Chapter 17

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Magnets 17

Chapter 17

"So, what did you want to ask me?"

"What's it like, being Reaped?"

"It's the worst feeling in the world. You feel like you're walking to your death," I answered truthfully.

"What's the Tribute Center like?"

"It's huge and spacious. There's plenty of room for 24 tributes."

"What's the Training Room like?"

"I honestly can't say, because I've never seen another to compare it to."

"What's being interviewed like?"

"What is this, Twenty Questions? Um, you get kind of nervous, but it's nothing like the feeling of getting Reaped."

"How did you react when you first saw the Arena?"

"I wasn't really thinking about the Arena. I was thinking about everything I was going to lose, since I was convinced I would die in the Bloodbath. And then I was just concerned with finding my ally, Silas."

"How did you survive for so long?"

"I hid. Staying out of the way is just as important as being able to fight. And in the Training Center, the survival stations can't be ignored." He wasn't getting this, I could tell.

"How did you come up with a plan so that you and Marvel could both survive?"

"It was just quick thinking. And your thinking has to be at light speed in the Arena." He paused, and I asked, "Are we done with the questions now? Can we go downstairs?" He nodded.

We went downstairs and Marvel was talking to a lady and a man who I assumed were his mom and dad. He beckoned me over. "Mom, Dad, this is Roman, my g- co-Victor." I heard him stumble over the word co-Victor, and, judging by the looks on his mom and dad's faces, they heard it, too.

"Nice to meet you, Roman," his mom said, extending a hand. I shook it and looked at Marvel's dad.

"Hhmph," is what he said before turning and pointing at me. "You should've won alone." Then he turned and walked away.

"Don't mind him," Marvel's mother urged. I snuck a peek at Marvel. He had his head down, staring at his shoes. I wrapped my hand around his bicep. He looked up at me for a moment and smiled. "Hey, Marvel," his mom interjected, "can you go get Jaxon for me?"

"Sure," Marvel agreed. "Where is he?"

"Up in his room, maybe." Marvel went off to find Jaxon, who had conveniently wandered off. When he was gone, his mom looked at me. "Are you two dating?" She asked me excitedly.

"What?" I asked, startled by the question. "No. Why do you ask?"

"Well, usually nobody can calm him down after his dad takes a swing at him like that, but he'll smile for you. And, when he was introducing you to us, he almost said girlfriend instead of co-Victor." She smiled triumphantly at me, proud of her deductions.

"We're not dating," I assured her.

"But do you like him?" She persisted. I hesitated a moment before nodding. "And does he like you?" I thought for a moment.

"He kissed me yesterday," I said in a hushed tone. Her eyes went wide.

"Oh, my goodness! I'm so happy for you!" She noticed that I was grimacing, not smiling. "What happened? Why aren't you excited?"

"He won't talk to me about it," I admitted.

"Oh, that's no problem, dear. You just make him talk to you about it, okay?" I nodded. "Give him an ultimatum." Marvel and Jaxon thundered down the stairs, and I said,

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