Chapter 13

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Magnets 13

Chapter 13

Aunt Johanna's voice pierced my slumber that morning. "Roman, get up! My friend wants to meet you!" I groaned, but got up and dressed somewhat decently. I went out and Aunt Johanna scanned me over, a neutral expression on her face. "It'll do. He's waiting in the Lobby." I took the elevator down, scanning the almost-empty room until I realized I didn't know what Aunt Johanna's friend looked like.

Just then, a familiar-looking guy walked over. "Hello," he greeted me.

"Hi. Do you know Johanna Mason?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. I'm glad to finally meet you, Roman. Finnick Odair, at your service." I surveyed the man's bronze curls and sea green eyes, deciding he was Finnick. That's where he looked familiar from! Finnick was the victor of the sixty-fifth Hunger Games.

"Um, hi. Nice to meet you, too, Finnick. I'm Roman Ezekiel." He chuckled.

"I think everyone in the world knows who you are," he said in his husky voice, seductively wetting his lips.

"I could say the same about you," I countered. "So, Aunt Johanna said you wanted to see me?"

"Johanna is your aunt? I pity you. She doesn't give you too much trouble, does she?"

"Not as much as she used to," I admitted. It was easy to talk to Finnick, and I found myself getting more comfortable by the minute.

"Shall we go up to my floor? I've got some other things I'd like to discuss with you that you might not want the public to hear." I quirked an eyebrow, but agreed. We went to floor four, which, unsurprisingly, had an ocean theme.

"I was Silas' mentor, you know," Finnick stated casually.

"I never thought about it," I said truthfully.

"The same thing happened to me as you. Outside the Games. People... liked me. President Snow got even richer. It's sick, isn't it?" He meant what President Snow was making me do.

"It's horribly sick," I replied.

"And I'm so sorry it had to happen to you," Finninck said sincerely. "I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Nobody." I blushed.

"How many Victors have to... do this?"

"About one-third of us. You'd be surprised," Finnick replied.

"Who? Or is that too personal?"

"Nah, most Victors know who does it. Um, me, Johanna, Ezre, my mentor, Mags, used to a few times, um, lots of Victors from One and Two, Cashmere, Gloss, Brutus... but not Enobaria. The Capitol is too scared of her." I smiled at that.

"So... you knew Silas, huh?" I asked lamely.

"You could say that. He was a great kid. It was unfortunate he had to go into the Games with his cousin. Did you know her?" I shook my head. "Her name was Mirriam Ravenwood. She was a Career, in the pack. Got killed in the bloodbath, though. I thought she was smarter than that." Finnick didn't sound critical, only somber. "She was a really nice girl. I think you'd have liked her."

"Me, like a Career?" I asked scornfully.

"So what's Marvel, chopped liver?"

"What's chopped liver?" I asked, eyes open wide in horror. "Is it a torture technique?"

"No, it's an expression," Finnick laughed. "You use it when you're pointing out an exception to a rule. Get it?" I nodded.

"Makes sense." Finnick and I chatted in this easy way for over an hour before I realized what time it was. "Oh, gosh, Finnick, I've got to run, but it was great talking to you!"

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