Chapter 2

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Magnets 2

Chapter 2

Like I'd promised myself the day earlier, Silas and I climbed the cliffs. At the top, there was a crevice that opened up into a huge cavernous inside, but the ferns and lichens covered the entrance. Standing on the cliffs, you could see all the way to the Careers' camp, but since I hadn't been able to see the cliff from the Cornucopia, I assumed they couldn't see us. Silas slipped into the cave and started setting up our stuff like a home might be laid out.

"Roman! It's huge in here!"

"I know! We must have the best shelter in the Games!" He grinned. Just then a parachute floated down directly in between us. I picked it up and opened it. It was a steaming loaf of bread. Inside was a note from my mentor. 'Don't let them catch you, but keep flaunting them. Keep the Capitol on the edge of their seats. -J'.

I put the loaf in one of my backpacks, and dumped the other backpack in the cave. Inside was a small river. We had everything we needed in here! We'd only have to leave for food in a few days. We could win these Games. Most of the tributes would be dead in two days. The realization hit me like a Capitol bullet train. It was a hopeful feeling, but a horrid feeling. Children losing their lives... I swallowed a grimace.

Silas slipped out to set more traps, and I made a fire. We smoked the meat and ventured out on the plateau-like cliff. We slid down, carrying weapons. Silas was going to practice knife and spear throwing, and I was going to try my hand with a battle axe. If I couldn't get useful, I didn't know what I'd do. Probably die. I shuddered at the thought.

We came to the clearing below the cliffs and Silas began throwing knives everywhere. He stuck each knife almost hilt-deep in the trunks of the center of the trees. I picked up the heavy axe in my right hand. I slashed awkwardly at the tree in front of me.

"Do what feels right," Silas urged me. I closed my eyes, feeling the sun blazing my skin and warming my body. I thought about the power I contained in me. I spun on my heel and, opening my eyes, I launched the axe into a tree trunk, landing blade-first, inches deep in the bark. Silas' eyes widened at me. I went to retrieve my weapon, wriggling it free.

"Over here, I heard something!" Silas and I froze. I yanked out my battle axe, hearing footsteps approaching us. We glanced anxiously towards the cliffs. It wasn't enough time to scale them. It was either hide and most likely be killed, or stand and fight. Silas nodded at me. We would fight.

After a few gut-wrenching seconds, ¾ of the Career pack burst out of the bushes. All except the muscular boy, Cato.

I gripped my axe in my sweaty hand, nervously rocking back and forth on my heels. Silas didn't hesitate to hurl a spear at the handsome boy, who easily knocked it aside. The two girls were coming towards me, the blonde particularly close. I felt my throat constrict. No, I wasn't asthmatic, but I knew right now it was kill or be killed. And my survival instinct was kicking in. I whirled and slashed the girl on her leg. It was a deep cut, I could tell. She screamed in pain.

"Glimmer!" I could hear the fear in the handsome boy's voice. He cared for her. This agitated me more than I would've thought possible, and I slashed at her arm, leaving it almost severed. The smell of blood hit my nostrils, and I realized what I'd done. I'd hurt, possibly fatally wounded, another human being. I felt like collapsing.

Clove, the black-haired girl, threw a knife and hit me in the left side of my hip. I cried out, and Silas flinched. Clove was now helping Glimmer up, and looking pointedly at the handsome boy. His eyes tore from Silas and ran over to help her. We let them retreat, except Silas hurled his knife in a last-ditch attempt, hitting Clove in the back of the leg. Glimmer was probably dead anyways.

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