Chapter 11

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Magnets 11

Chapter 11

Aunt Johanna came in around two and a half hours later. Marvel and I had fallen sideways and were lying on the bed, arms wrapped tightly around each other. Judging by his slow, rhythmic breathing, Marvel was asleep. I knew I had been. Aunt Johanna opened the door and spoke to someone in hushed tones.

"What are they doing? I told Marvel not to get too close to her," somebody said. It sounded a lot like Ezre. He'd definitely warmed to me, though, because his reaction was a lot different than it had been the last time he caught us like this.

"Snow's forcing her into prostitution. She must've told him," Aunt Johanna replied.

"It'll kill her," Ezre said. "I had it happen to me a few times after my Games. Roman is too fragile."

"I had it happen to me a few times, too, and Roman is stronger than she looks. She'll be okay. She'll find a way to live with this. I just wish Marvel would man up and ask her out already."

"Knowing him, he's probably still wondering if she likes him," Ezre stated.

"Oh, she likes him," Aunt Johanna said confidently. They exited the room, still talking in hushed whispers. My mind was reeling. Did I like Marvel? Aunt Johanna seemed to think I did. I thought about everything I'd ever thought about Marvel.

Back in the arena, when I didn't know his name, I called him the 'Handsome Boy'. He was definitely attractive, no doubt about it. When we'd won, I'd thought he was going to close himself off from me, and devastated. I was delighted when I was wrong.

When he'd told me about Glimmer, I'd felt so jealous, even though she was dead. When he'd come after me on the roof, I was so confused, yet happy to see him. In the training center, I'd felt a bond with him. When he'd come after me to my room, comforted me, I felt whole, complete. The next day, when we'd had our day of heart-to-hearts, I felt like I trusted him, and he trusted me.

During the gala at the President's advisor's house, he'd supported me. He'd taken me home and cared for me when I was drunk. And today, his reaction to President Snow's coercion. Almost like he cared for me in more than a friendship way.

And I discovered, I loved it. I loved the way he was honest, comforting, trusting, confiding, supporting, caring, and compassionate. I liked Marvel. I liked how he held me, how he cried on my shoulder, comforted me while I cried, confided in me his fears about Jaxon, and was always there for me. I liked Marvel, and I was in over my head.

Marvel stirred beneath me, and I went limp, pretending I was still asleep. I didn't want to move yet. His arms tightened around me and he stretched up to kiss my forehead. This thing we did, this flirting... it was so confusing. He'd kiss my cheek, or my forehead. I'd take his hand and squeeze it. I never knew if it meant anything, though I hoped and prayed it did.

Marvel stroked and rubbed my back tenderly. I relaxed even more. I even started to forget President Snow was going to force me to... ugh, I couldn't even think it. I slowly drifted back off to sleep. When I woke again, Marvel wasn't there. I forced myself to get up out of the comfortable bed and go look for him.

It looked to be about late afternoon, and nobody was anywhere to be found. I searched for any clue to their whereabouts, but came up empty-handed. I turned to a lone Avox standing in the corner. "Where did they go? Anyone!" I pleaded with him. I was starting to get scared.

He shook his head and gestured to his mouth. I pulled a random sheet of paper off the counter and shoved it and a pen into his hand. "Please!" I begged.

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