Chapter 20

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Magnets 20

Chapter 20

We got off the train in District 5 and had to wait an hour for the next train to District 7. Marvel's hand never left mine, and we sat in comfortable silence most of the time. "Is your family going to accept me?" He asked at one point.

"Does it matter?" I asked.


"Are you going to break up with me if they don't?"

"No, I just want to know what I'm getting myself into."

"Well, Sander will love you," I replied. "Jade might take a little warming up, but she'll come around."

"And your mother?" he persisted.

"I don't know," I replied. "My mother barely used to talk to me. I feel like I don't know her." We fell silent once again, and I looked away, staring at the train tracks.

The train arrived, and we boarded. Another Victor, from District 6, I thought, joined us. He didn't look at or talk to us, and we didn't attempt to communicate with him. He got off soon and we could relax once more.

"Are you nervous about meeting my family?" I asked. Marvel nodded slightly. I squeezed his hand. "Well, don't be." The train doors opened and I led him out. We walked into District 7 and I led Marvel to the Victor's Village. "Just a heads-up," I began before opening the door. "My District is nothing like District One. My family lives with me." He nodded and I opened the door and went inside.

My family and Sage were sitting around the dining room table eating, and every one of them stopped and stared at us. I squeezed Marvel's hand and pulled him forwards. He stood bravely, head high, next to me.

"Everyone, this is Marvel, my co-Victor and boyfriend." I noticed eyebrows shoot up. It was the first time I'd said those words since they were true, and they felt right somehow. My mother, to her credit, got up and extended her hand to Marvel. He shook it with his free hand.

"Nice to meet you, Marvel. You had better take good care of my Roman," my mother said jokingly but firmly.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Ezekiel. And I can assure you, I will. She deserves nothing but the best." He squeezed my hand as he said this, so I knew he wasn't joking. My mother sat down, satisfied that her job was finished. Sage got up and right in Marvel's face. She didn't speak, but stared into his eyes. He stared right back at her, unfazed. They read each other's eyes for about thirty seconds, then Sage gave a small nod of her head and sat down.

Sander jumped up from the table and pushed past Sage, looking up at Marvel. "So, you're dating my sister?" Marvel looked at me and grinned, a loving look in his eyes. He squeezed my hand.

"Yes," he replied without hesitation.

"And you guys... kiss?" Sander's nose wrinkled.

"Well, yes," Marvel admitted.

"Some people at my school date," Sander stated in disgust.

"Do you?" Marvel asked him.

"No!" Sander scoffed. "I have much better things to do than spend all my time with girls." Marvel snorted.

"Like what?"

"Like watch out for my little sister," Sander began.

"I hate to break it to you, but your sister is a girl," Marvel laughed. Sander held up a finger in annoyance. It was so cute how he acted, I just couldn't help but laugh. Sander glared at me, and I shut up. The way they interacted was so easygoing, as if they'd known each other for years, like Marvel and Jaxon.

Magnets (Hunger Games Marvel/OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora