Chapter 19

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Magnets 19

Chapter 19

Roman POV

When I woke up, I was extremely warm. I felt happy and secure. My head was pressed against Marvel's chest, and I sighed, knowing what I had to do next. I stretched up and kissed Marvel's cheek before breaking out of his hold. I dressed in the dark and went downstairs. Jaxon was moving around silently and moved to the front door.

"Hey," I whispered. "What are you doing up at five-thirty a.m.?"

"Going in for training," he said. "I always forget, most districts don't train in Academies. So, what are you doing up at five-thirty?"

"Cashmere said she was going to teach me hand-to-hand combat, so I've got to go in early, too. We can run together."

"Good idea," Jaxon whispered. I descended the staircase and we ran out the door. "They always punish the last kid from each level for getting there slower, but then the tributes started coming in hours early, so they made it so you can't leave until five-thirty." The whole thing is so sick I literally want to stop and throw up. Then I remembered my promise to Marvel.

"Have you ever thought about not being a tribute? Dropping out?"

"No!" He said instantly. "I'd be publicly shunned! Nobody starts training and quits. It's worse than finishing last in your level. It's worse than dying in the Games." I didn't try to talk to him after that. "Sorry," he added. " I always forget your districts don't have the Academy. I always used to get punished for it," he said almost as an afterthought.

"But you'll remember eventually," I said. I wanted to tell him how wrong that was, but I didn't know how.

We reached the Academy and split up for our separate floors. "What time does training end?" I asked him.

"For us, usually around eight or ten, but today probably around eight."

"Okay, well, see you then," I said, horrified with everything at this Academy. I put on my training clothes and went to the Victor's floor. Nobody was there. I went over to the punching bags and threw a sharp punch to the left side and then the right. I gave a two-handed punch in the middle, and felt someone behind me touch my sides, pulling them into alignment. I spun around and hit Ezre in the stomach.

"Hey, that's no way to treat someone who helped you," he protested jokingly. My punch didn't even seem to have affected him, aside from the fact that he wheezed a bit.

"Oh, sorry, Ezre." A thought occurred to me. "Were you here when I fought Cashmere?"

"No, but Gloss told me about it. I thought I'd better be here in case you showed up again." I frowned.

"Who's Gloss?"

"Cashmere's brother. They won in consecutive years."

"Oh, I know who he is!" He must've been the one who held Marvel back yesterday.

"Hey, loser!" I heard from behind me.

"Hi, Cashmere," I called without looking.

"Be ready in five!" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ezre, I've got to go. Cashmere's giving me hand-to-hand combat lessons."

"Oh, I understand that. Good luck!"

"Thank you, I'll need it!"


I hit the mat with a thud. "Get up!" Cashmere cackled. I wiped a stream of blood from my chin and pushed myself off the mat. I glowered at her and dropped into my stance. "Light on your feet!" I straightened up a little and, with a quick fist, threw a punch at Cashmere's midsection.

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