Second Chance for Benji

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The cawing of Benji’s alarm clock blared in his ears, causing his arm to swing straight up and then down on the button of salvation. With one knock, the clock stopped and his arm slipped down over the edge of the bed, where it swung back and forth like a weary pendulum. His lids opened slowly and the blurry world came into view. Growling deep in his throat, Benji tossed the covers over his head and buried himself deeper into the comfortable heap of warmth and softness. Smiling at his comfy state, he closed his eyes to return to his slumber before the doorbell echoed throughout the house. His smile reversed and he tumbled off his mattress.

“On my way!” Benji hollered. He wrapped the blanket around him and shuffled down the stairs to the front door. Yawning like a newborn kitten, he blinked the dryness from his eyes and unlocked the front door. Still recovering from his nighttime activity, he smacked his lips and opened the door. There, dressed in a pastel blue uniform and tortoise shell glasses was Kris Madison.

“Hey, sorry for the interruption, I didn’t know you were still asleep,” Kris apologised.

Lo siento, que hora es?

“Um, twelve-thirty? Do you also speak Spanish at this time?”

Shaking his head and pressing his palm against his eyes, Benji replied, “Oh, sorry, I was dreaming about being in Spain. But, apparently, you know enough to translate.”

“It’s basic conversation, solo hablan poco espanol. Pero estoy aprendiendo.” Kris smirked and made a duck with her index finger and thumb to show the amount of Spanish she knew. “I do better at listening than speaking.”

“It’s all right. Um, I was going to ring you later today. I’m glad you stopped by.”

“Well, it’s only to return your shirt.” Stepping up onto the front porch, she handed him a folded t-shirt.

Seeing the shirt colour was black instead of white, Benji opened it up suspiciously. The front unfolded, revealing white lettering that read: KEEP CALM, DRINK TEA, AND SHOOT ZOMBIES.  “Bless my socks, you didn’t have to go and do that! I kicked you out, why did you do that?” Benji was astonished at her action. It was both extremely sweet and strange at the same time.

Biting her lower lip and clasping her hands together, Kris said in a quiet voice, “Well, I didn’t really like your other shirt and, you know, zombies seem to be something you like. I can get your other shirt if you want.”

“No, no, get rid of the ol’ thing. This is brilliant, thank you. Would you like to come in?” Benji walked backwards, opening the door wider. He swallowed a dry lump, hoping she would accept.

“I would, really, but—,”

“I’m sorry about yesterday. I was afraid and all, but, I’ve never had anyone look at my work. And, there are things that I’m still working out.”

“I understand, I’m sorry for being nosey.”

Benji shrugged with a sealed smile. “It’s all right. What about tea? Would you like some? Or coffee or a fizzy?”

Kris brought a hand over her mouth to hide her growing smile, but Benji could see by her dimples that she was amused by his offers. “Really, Mr. Dore, I’ve got to go. But I can stay for a drink.”

“Brilliant, right, well, step in. Let me get something proper on, and I’ll be down in a moment.”

“Okay.” Kris smiled and dropped her head, her brown hair falling gently over her eyes and crescent grin. She stepped inside and Benji closed the door behind her.

“I’ll be right down.” Benji raced up the stairs and flew into his room. He kicked the door shut, threw the blanket off and rummaged in his closet. Tossing out dirty t-shirts and trousers, he finally found a pair of black jeans and a white long-sleeve shirt with navy blue sleeves and collar. He slipped it on, rushed into the bathroom, and gargled with mouthwash. He checked his eyes, neatened his hair, and took in a deep breath. “Can’t believe this is happening to me, it can’t be true. How can a woman that beautiful want to be with me? It’s stupid, I don’t deserve this. This is all stupid. Me? Benji Dore with a woman like that? I can’t run away with myself, she might be just being nice. There’s no way I could…” he let out a deep exhalation and closed his eyes tight, erasing a memory. “Right, let’s get on with it.”

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