beging dean way

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It all started when my mother burnt down in a house because my brother had drunken demon blood by the way hi. My Father went a little crazy and I took sammy( my little bro) and ran away. I was 17 when I went and Sammy was 14. I was barely old enough to get a job,so we moved into a abandoned house. Not the nicest place but somewhere to live that next day we enrolled in school. My first day me and Sammy hung out and we met a Gabriel which he was 16 and a castiel who was 15
I edmediatly put my guard up, for sammy. I did click with castiel. He was so sweet and inesint, and gabriel was I could see a bad kid with a sweet tooth. I could see Sam liking him. I could also tell I was not under any circumstance let go of Sam
So I'm going to be dum don't take it out on me I'll wright whenever I can but. I'm a busy person the names of chapters will be like dean then the number of chapter or Sam basically whoever's talking and the chapter

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