Beating The Evil Soul Of Serena

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Hope you enjoy this chapter :3

I see Serena lifted and thrown to the floor again.
I drag myself towards her, only to be thrown across the concrete again.
"S-Serena..." I say as loud as I can but it only comes out as a loud whisper.
Serena somehow stands up again.
Her whole body was shaking and I could see she was using every single last drop of her energy.
"Serena please don't." I say, but she completely ignores me and carries on walking towards Dark Serena.
"How are you still walking?!" "B-because I'm a r-robot, and robots d-don't have hearts."
Serena stops right in front of her and closes her eyes.
"What are you doing?! Leave me alone!"
I could see that Dark Serena was trying to use her power but for some reason, they weren't working.
"What have you done to me?!" "I h-haven't done a-anything to you, I'm just r-returning you to w-where you belong."
Dark Serena slowly starts to dissolve, screaming till she has disappeared.
"S-Serena." I call, before all my consciousness escapes me.


Is all hear before I open my eyes.
I look around to see that I'm at home and that the noise was my alarm clock going off.
I turn it off then flick my head to the side of me to see no Serena.
I quickly sit up but stop halfway as a sharp pain enters my side.
I flop back down in the bed and grab for my phone.
I wipe my hand over the side table but find nothing.
I quickly stuff my hand into my pocket and find nothing again.
"Damit! I guess I'll have to buy a new one."
As I'm about to close my eyes again I hear someone enter my room.
I look up to see it's my mom.
"Hi mom." I say and she leaps about fifty feet into the air. "Ash! You're awake!" She screams then crushes me in a bear hug. "Ow, ow, ow, mom I'm in pain get off me!" "Oh sorry Hun."
My mom removes me from her hug and sits down beside me.
"Where's Serena?" I immediately ask. "She's downstairs."
I look closely at my moms facial expression to see that something is wrong.
"What's wrong mom?" "It's Serena. She's been acting strange today."
Oh no.
I'm about to fling myself out of bed again but the sharp pain hits me again.
"Ash stop! You're hurt! Please don't try to get up!"
I slowly shuffle back into a comfy position and lay my head back into my pillow.
"I know you want to see Serena Ash, but you're in pain." "I'm fine really mom, please let me go see her." "Ok fine, but be careful."
I slowly get up out of bed and carefully walk down the stairs and into the living room.
I see Serena sitting down, playing on her phone.
"She's been not speaking as much and she's been flinching and holding her stomach a lot." My mom whispers in my ear.
I nod and sit down beside her.
"Hi Sere."
She flinches and sharply turns her head towards me.
"H-hi." She whispers. "Are you ok?" "Y-yer, I'm fine."
She stands up, one hand tightly clenched around her stomach.
"Hey Sere is your stomach ok?" "Y-yer, it's fine."
She removes her arm and continues walking.
Then all of a sudden she collapses onto the floor, a sharp cry leaving her mouth.
"Serena!" I shout and through all the pain I rush over to her and pick her up.
"Serena what's happened to you?!" "I-it's h-her."
She then passes out in my arms.

Guys I am so sorry about the small chapters but I just have no time to write right now.
I promise that next time I will give you a big chapter.
Also guys, do you think I should do a drawing book?
Tell me in the comment section.
Anyway see ya sometime later maybe.

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