Disaster At The Beach

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Hey guys.
Just want to give a shoutout to Emilymissyou
She is great at book writing so go check her out if you want to. (Btw she isn't an amourshipper)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy chapter two :3

One Month Later

It's the last day of school till summer today.
Serena has been living with me for a while now so we decided to buy a large bed for the both of us.
I like my bedroom now, it looks more homely for some reason.
Right now Serena and I are making our way home from school.
"Hey Ashy will we be able to see May and Dawn in the holidays?" Serena asks. "Yer of course Sere. Gary asked me if we wanted to go to the beach tomorrow, so do you want to go?" "Of course Ashy!"
We walk inside my house.
"Welcome home my happy little couple, how was the last day of school." My mom asks.
By the way my mom now knows that me and Serena are dating, and lets just say that telling her was one of the worst moments of my life.
"It was fine mom." I say. "I had a great time Delia, I'm going to miss school but I'm also looking forward to the holidays." Serena replies cheerfully.
How the hell can she be so positive all the time, I mean, it's good that she's positive, but how can she talk about school without being bored.
"That's great Serena, I'm looking forward to the holidays as well." My mom replies. "Come on Sere, let's go to our room." I say, trying to get out the room. "Ok Ashy, bye Delia!" "Bye dear, see you at dinner time." Serena races upstairs and I follow behind.
As I walk into the room I see Serena with a serious expression on her face.
"Ash you really need to speak to your mother more often." She says. "But all she talks about is school." I moan back. "At least you have a mother to talk to."
I could see tears starting to form in her eyes.
I pull her into a hug.
"I'm sorry Sere, I'll spend some more time with her." "Good."
A smile forms on her face.
"Now let's get some shut eye, we don't want to be tired for tomorrow." I say. "Ok Ashy."
We get changed and go to bed.

Serena and I wake up early and get ready for the beach.
"Bye mom!" I shout as I open the front door. "Bye dear have a nice time!" "I will!"
Serena and I walk out the house and start making our way to the beach.
"Ashy I'm so exited! This is the first time I've ever been to the beach!" Serena shouts.
"WHAT! You've never been to the beach!" "Nope." "Were you living under a rock when you were little!" "In other words."
We eventually make it to the beach and I see Gary.
"Hi guys!" I say happily. "Oh hey Ashy-boy!" Gary replies. "Can you please STOP CALLING ME THAT!" I shout. "Ok ok, geez, I'm sorry."
I could see Serena excitedly hopping from one foot to another behind me.
I turn around.
"Where do you want to go?" I ask. "THE SEA!" She shouts, almost screams.
When she did that she reminded me of May.
Serena takes her shorts and t-shirt off to show a pink bikini with a large flower printed onto the top corner of the bottoms.
I stand there with my mouth open a little.
She looked beautiful.
"Uh, A-Ash you're making me feel uncomfortable." She says shyly, her face going bright red. "Oh, um sorry." I say, turning away in embarrassment.
"Anyway, let's go in the sea." Gary says, trying to interrupt the awkwardness.
"YES!" Serena screams.
I take off my shirt and pick up Serena as she is running.
  "What are you doing Ashy?" She asks, giggling. "I'm going to throw you into the sea."
I run in the water till it's up to my shoulders.
"Ashy are you sure we're not too far in." "No we're fine, I'm an expert at swimming." "You ready?" I ask Serena. "I think so."
I jump and flop sideways into the sea.
Serena slips out of my arms and I quickly swim up.
"SERE?" I call, my face facing the water.
I them see her on the floor unconscious.
"SERENA!" I scream, them dive back into the sea and grab her.
I instantly run back to land and place her onto the sand.
She isn't breathing.
I put my hands together and push hard in Serena's chest.
A trickle of water falls out the side of her mouth.
I keep pushing on her chest but she still isn't breathing.
I put my mouth against hers and blow hard.
Water trickles out of her ears and she suddenly wakes up, coughing out more water.
"Serena!" I cry, then pull her into a massive hug. "I'm so sorry!" I carry on, tears dropping out my eyes.
"What did you do Ash?" She asks worriedly. "I almost killed you! I should have known that you couldn't swim." "Ash its fine, I should have told you that I couldn't swim, it's all my fault, please don't put all the guilt on your shoulders."
Serena hugs me back, sticking her face in my chest.
"You know you're chest is even more comfy when you're not wearing a shirt." She says. "Oh really, are you hinting something." I say smugly. "Maybe." She giggles.
Gary then walks over to us with a pizza in one hand and a drink in the other.
"You know you're not supposed to make out on a beach."
Mine and Serena's faces go red.
"We're not, Serena almost died!" "WHAT! How?!" "She almost drowned!" "Omg, you should have said in the first place stupid!"
I hear Serena giggle, then whisper baka.
"I heard that you know!" I shout and start ticking her.

(C???? POV)

Have fun why you can Serena Yvonne, because soon you'll be MINE!

Tell me in the comment selection who you think this mystery person is.
Also guys can you tell me what I should call you. I really want to call my followers and book readers a cool name instead of just 'guys'.
Till we meet again, Goodbye! ^-^

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