Saving The World

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Hope you enjoy this chapter :3

May and me watch in horror as the world around us disappears.
All I could hear was the screams of children; the cries of mothers; the destruction of the world.
Everything that I knew just disappearing in front of me.
"SERENA!!" I hear someone scream behind me.
I turn to see Ash.
"Ash! What the hell are you doing out of hospital!"
I could see that they had stitched the wound because he had a giant bandage wrapped around his tummy.

(Ash's POV)

"I'M HERE TO SAVE MY GIRLFRIEND!!" I shout as I rush up to the vortex.
"Ash don't!" Dawn cries behind me, but I ignore her.
I'm saving Serena, even if it does kill me.
I storm up to the vortex as it tries to rip me apart.
I hold onto my hat and jump from side to side, avoiding the objects flying into the black whole.
Through all of the debris I spot Serena.
He eyes where illuminating the area around her in a maroon red.
"Serena!" I call out, but she takes no notice of me.
"SERENA!!" I scream.
She turns her head towards me and her expression turns into pure shock.
"HOW?! How did you get in here without being ripped apart!?" "Because I believe in myself and I know that Serena is in there, and I will get her back!"
I run towards Serena, ignoring all the pain flowing through my body.
I grab onto her wrists and push her against a broken wall of a decayed building.
A smile grows on my face.
"I'm turning you back into the Serena I love."
I take a deep breath and push my lips against hers.
She tries to fight back at first but I feel the struggling getting weaker and weaker and the vortex getting smaller and smaller.
I look into Serena's eyes and see them changed into the beautiful cerulean ones I know.
I separate my mouth from hers and we both drop to the floor.
"Serena..." Is all I manage to say.
I see her slowly open her eyes and pull herself across the broken floor.
She places her head on my arm.
"I'm sorry Ash." She whispers.
I feel a tear drop onto my arm.
"Serena please don't cry, I didn't think it was you're fault, and even if it was then I would forgive you, because I love you."
I feel more tears splash onto my arm.
"I love you too Ash." She whispers, a smile on her face.
I hear the sirens on an ambulance.
"Sere." "Yes Ashy." "We'll be together till the day we die won't we?" "Of course Ash, I'll be there when you take you're last step; I'll be there when you say you're last word; and I'll be there when you take you're last breath."
I felt tears form in my eyes.
"And I'll be there when you smile you're last smile."
The noise of the sirens get louder and I feel myself being picked up off the floor.
The only thing I remember after that is being placed in some van with Serena.
After that everything went black.


I open my eyes to the sound of crying.
I'm confused about where I am at first but I quickly see that I'm in a hospital.
I look to my left to see Serena sitting on a chair beside me crying.
The weird thing is that Serena looks different, well, not really different just a little more older and skinnier.
I was about to speak when Serena cried out "I'm sorry Ash! I'm sorry for what I did. You probably hate me right now but please. Please wake up!"
I push myself into a sitting position and pull Serena into a hug.
She flinches but then starts crying even harder.
"I'm sorry Ash, I'm sorry!" "It's ok Serena, you didn't do anything wrong." "I did Ash."
I pull away from the hug and look into her eyes.
"Well tell me what you did then."
"Ash, you've been in a coma for a year."

I'm sorry ok, I have to put a cliffhanger in to make you want to read on. So sorry cliffhanger haters that read this.

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