The Other Me

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Hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry if it seems rushed, I think I'm going through writers block :(

(Calem's POV)

Doctor X injects Serena with the atheistic and she quickly falls asleep.
The boss turns to me.
"Good job Calem." He says. "Thankyou boss, I'm happy to help." "You may go now." "Ok sir."
I bow and leave the building.
Serena is now ours.

(Serena POV)

I open my eyes to see myself in a dark room.
Well, it was more than just a dark room because I couldn't see a damn thing!
This placed reminded me of that dream I had, hopefully that doesn't happen again.
I get up from the floor and start walking around.
As I walk I started hearing giggling.
I ignored it are first but it started getting louder and louder every time I took a step.
"H-hello?" I call out.
I hear footsteps coming closer to me.
"Why hello there." A person said through the darkness.
Their voice was dark and croaky, almost like it's been possessed by an evil soul.
"U-um hello, w-who are you?"I ask, trying to keep my voice as stable as possible. "Me." It chuckles. "I'm you, the better you, the one that lives a life of happiness."
This doesn't make sense this thing ain't me.
"Y-you're not me."
It chuckles even louder.
"I'm not you! Now that's funny!"
It steps forward.
It looks exactly like me but it has a purple aura around it, its eyes were also blood red.
I gasp and step back.
"You don't have to be scared of me, I'm you remember, why would I hurt myself."
I supposed it, or me two, is right.
"I know, because we're so alike, why don't you join me. I live in world with no pain, no sadness, no depression. I'm FREE."
Something I've wanted my whole life.
I thought that I was free with Ash, but I guess no relationship would be normal without an argument or two.
I am really tempted to go with this other me now, even if it does look like a living demon.
"So are you going to come with me or not?" The other me asks.
I step forward.
"Will I be with Ash?"
I see her step back a bit.
"You won't need Ash, he's just playing with you, he never loved you."
That sentence hit me like a truck.
My eyes start filling with water.
"H-he n-never loved m-me?" I tremble. "Yes, he NEVER loved you, he's only using you."
Pain fills my body and I fall to my knees.
I know I shouldn't trust this thing but it's me, and how do you not trust yourself!
"See, this is why you shouldn't love someone. This is why you should join me. You will feel no pain." "Fine fine, I'll go with you!" I cry, clenching my stomach in pain.
She walks up to me and stretches her hand out.
I want a life with no pain, and I trust her.
I grab her hand and she pulls me up.
I see the purple aura surround me.
I suddenly feel nothing.
No pain, but no happiness.
My body starts to feel numb and the other me start laughing.
"W-what's happening to me?" I say as I start shaking. "You're mine now!" She laughs.
I fall to the floor.
The world around me then fades into a black hole.

(Ash's POV)

I rush after the van but it's way too fast for me.
I need something fast.
I look to my left to see a bike outside someone's house.
That'll do.
I grab the bike and start riding in the direction the van went.
Don't worry Serena, I'm coming.

(Calem's POV)

Serena opens her eyes.
The life had faded from them.
"Boss, it worked." I say. "Good, now let's try some things. Take her to the experimenting room, I'll meet you in there." "Ok boss."
I pick Serena up and carry her to the experimenting room.
This is where the true show begins.

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