First Day

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Jodie's POV:

I can't remember a time when my parents weren't abusive. They hit me and scared me for life. I have a large long scar on my back from being cut with a glass bottle. I had large bruises all over my body

But one day, my sweet grandma, Barbra, noticed my bruises and scars and I told her everything. My parents went to jail and she got custody of me, and I have never been happier. I am more confident at school and I feel safe.

This summer, Barbra (I don't call her Granny or Nanna or anything else she likes Barbra) has offered me a job at the local bakery she works at. Yes yes I know Harry Styles used to work there. I am a massive directioner and I fangirl too.

"Come on Jodie" Barbra yelled from the kitchen downstairs "You'll be late for your last day of school!" I huffed and got up. What was I going to wear? I chose a no-sleeved denim jacket with a white singlet underneath, my black skirt and some brown flats.

"Perfect" I said to myself.

Once I was dressed, I ate breakfast, packed my lunch and caught the bus to school. It was my last day of school today, we had our graduation ceremony not long ago.

"OMG DID YOU HEAR!" my best friend Layla yelled as soon as she saw me. "HARRY STYLES IS COMING BACK FOR 2 MONTHS! HE'LL BE HERE!" she screamed.

"Really?" I asked her wide eyed and shaking.

"Yes and you'll be at the bakery!" She replied. She seemed a lot calmer now. "I wish I was working there with you!"

"No you don't Lay!" I giggled "I have to be up at 4:00am to cook the bread!" Layla chuckled.

After that, it seemed like the school day was really short.

"bye Lay! I'll talk to you later!" I said as I walked towards the front of the bus but she grabbed my wrist and pulled me back

"If you see... Harry Styles," she whispered "I am the first to know you got it!"

"I got it!" I giggled back and got off the bus.

Harry's POV:

I was so excited! I'm going home! 2 whole months! I get to see family and friends and I'm definitely going back to the bakery. The ladies there are so nice!

"So Harry, any love in the air in Cheshire?" Niall asked me.

I'm the only single lad in the band now. Niall has his beautiful girl Annabelle, Liam has with what he calls the 'girl of his dreams' Sophia, Louis has his nice girlfriend Eleanor and Zayn is engaged to his fiancée Perrie. I'm actually jealous I think! They're all really beautiful so it's nice to have some eye candy

"Maybe we'll see!" I replied.

The boys and I jumped off the tour bus when we got to the airport and my flight had just started boarding. I picked up my bags and looked at the boys "I have to go now." I looked at them sadly. tears forming in my eyes.

"It's ok mate we'll keep in touch!" Zayn said as he hugged me.

"Don't sweat it we'll talk soon!" Liam reassured me.

"Hey! Be excited lad! I know you'll be gettin' lucky!" Niall chuckled as I did the same.

"But don't forget about me!" Louis said as he kissed me on the cheek. Our bond was stronger than the other lads.

"I'll talk to you when I land! I'll miss you guys!" I whimpered as I turned away and walked towards the terminal

"We'll miss you more!" they assured me.

The flight was short and I was home before I knew it. I was excited when I saw my mum and step-dad waiting for me. It was 2:00am when we got home and I went to bed strait away. I was exhausted.

Jodie's POV:

Today was my first day at the bakery. my alarm woke me up, I threw on my uniform and Barbra and I went to work. She taught me how to make the bread, knead it, cook it and wrap it up. Who knew it took that much work to make a loaf of bread!

"This button opens the till and you must place the coins in the right slots or else." Barbra joked. "Don't forget! there may be a 'special' customer coming in today and i know you are well aware of who he is so don't embarrass yourself! You may be seeing him a bit more often."

She was right. I was definitely aware of the special customer. Harry's plane landed last night and Barbra was eager to see him.

"I won't, I promise." I know he won't be in today. he will need his rest! he just finished a world wide tour!

"Are you sure?" she giggled "he's all over your walls!" I giggled too as I shushed her cheekily.

The bell rang as the door was opened. There was no one on the register and Barbra had to go and get some milk so I was the only one there. I didn't think it was him but I flattened out my apron anyway. As I looked up I saw Layla.

"Hey Lay! what are you doing here?" I smiled as I asked.

"I'm on Harry patrol!" she giggled "I really want to see him!"

"Well I'm working so what can I get you?" I asked her

"Umm..." she mumbled as she looked at the cabinet of delicious goods "I'll have a cinnamon bun thanks!" she said handing me the exact change. I put the biggest bun in a bag and handed it to her. "thanks!" she giggled "I'm gonna stay here to keep you company! is that ok?"

"It's more than ok Lay take a seat" I replied as she say on one of the silver chairs at a table inside. She put her bag on the floor and pulled out a pair of binoculars. she winced and looked through the lenses. "Lay!" I giggled "don't you think binoculars are a but much?"

"Hehe I guess your right!" she chuckled and put the binoculars back in her bag. the bell rung on the door signifying that another person was here. "good morning Barbra!" Layla cheered as I looked up from placing the coins Layla had given me into the right slots.

"Good morning Layla how are you this morning?" Barbra asked cheerfully with two bottles of milk under her arms.

"I'm very well thank you!" Layla giggled in response. "let me help you with those!" she rushed as Barbra struggled with the bottles of milk.

"Thank you dear! just put them on the counter top. Jodie can you put them on the sink out back please." she chuckled as a rolled my eyes and did as she asked.

As it got towards about 7:00am, some of the other ladies who worked there showed up. my shift was over at 1:00pm but I decided to work until closing time because I had nothing better to do.

There was no sign of Harry today and Barbra seemed disappointed but I assured her that he would come

"Don't worry Barbra! He'll come! I'm sure if it! he's been on a long tour and he needs his rest. I promise he will come and if he doesn't I'll make him!" I said in a stern voice as she giggled.

"Ok thank you dear." she replied.

Harry's POV:

I woke up and my mum told me I had slept for almost 15 hours meaning it was about 4:00pm in the afternoon but I was still tired. Mum and I just talked for ages when I finally went to bed again. I then woke up at 3:00am feeling very awake so I decided I would go and surprise the ladies at the bakery.

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