You're The Worst

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The sun's rays elude into the room, making the once dimly lit room to become flooded with tons and tons of fluorescent lights. I find myself struggling to move away from it and finally decide on giving up. Harry's extremely long legs were encaging my smaller ones under the comforters in addition to his heavy arm draped around my waist.

I don't even remember sleeping in this position last night. I was against the backboard with Harry cuddled up sleeping on my lap. He must've woken up and placed me under the covers in oblivion because there is no other way we could've ended up in a spooning position.f

A sigh leaves my mouth as I open my eyes in annoyance. I glare straight out into the window and furrow my eyebrows together. The landscape outside looks beautiful but I'm too upset to appreciate it right now. I want and need sleep despite the time right now and I can't do that.

I gently kick his legs out of the way so that mine are free before removing his arm very slowly off of my waist. I might as well get up and take a shower if I'm fully awake. I look down at him sleeping adoringly with tousled hair and mouth slightly agape and place my stuffed animal next to him for my absence. His arms instinctively wrap around it and I smile so widely at his adorableness. A boy covered with tattoos sleeping with a stuffed animal is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. I shuffle over to the dresser which has my phone placed on it and pick it up. Opening up the camera app, I snap multiple pictures of him including a video. This will make perfect evidence for when he doesn't believe me.

I grab one of his shirts and grab my jeans before heading into the bathroom with my undergarments. I walk over to the sink and brush my teeth and get into the shower afterwards.  I grab his axe shampoo from the ledge and squeeze some into my hand. The smell of the shampoo is intoxicating as well as the conditioner and the aroma is heavenly. I rinse and comb my hair out thoroughly before stepping out of the shower and grabbing my towel, wrapping it securely around myself.

After I'm done washing my face, I look over at his hair dryer and debate on whether or not if I should use it. It might make too much noise and wake him up and I don't want to do that. He might still be exhausted from last night after all. I decide against it and pick up his bottle of mousse instead and scrunch my hair.

I tip toe back inside the room and dump my dirty clothes in the bin and quietly close the door behind me. The house is dead silent as I make my way down the stairs and I will feel weird if I'm the only person awake. I should have paid mind to checking the time before getting into the shower because I still could have still been asleep right now.

I walk into the kitchen and smile when I see Niall sitting down at the table on his phone.

He looks up from his phone and his face almost shows a sigh of relief. "Thank god you're awake. I needed someone to help me make breakfast." He exclaims. I glance over at him skeptically while walking over to the fridge.

"How much food are you planning on making?" I ask while opening the fridge and looking inside of it. My stomach is growling and I don't like it.

"Um-I don't know? I assume, only enough for us both."

I turn my head around and look at him incredulously. "Niall, are you serious? It's going to be so rude of us for them to wake up smelling food and not being able to eat anything because we ate all of it." I scold. He shrugs his shoulders and I narrow my eyes at him.

"The way you're saying it is making it sound bad when it really isn't. We make our food and we eat our food. Plain and simple, let's just forget about them for the time being so neither of us will feel bad afterwards." He suggests.

I close the refrigerator door and cross my arms over my chest. "I guess you're just going to have to make breakfast all by yourself then since you want to be selfish." I move away from the fridge and almost make it out of the kitchen when his arm grabs onto my wrist.

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