Chapter 19

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True to her word, Alice is in my room bright and early the next morning. It's clear she's been up most of the night, as black bags are evident under her eyes, and she hasn't bothered to brush out her disheveled black hair.

"What's the plan," I inquire, skipping the formalities of 'hello' and 'how are you?'

"I talked to Leonardo," she says, ignoring me.

"What?" I gasp.

"I think he's in love with you," she goes on. "He wouldn't say it directly, but the way he spoke of you- well, let's just say you must have made quite an impression during your months in the stable with him."

I open my mouth to speak, and snap it shut again. Sure, I knew he had feelings for me, but love? We barely know each other.

And yet I feel he know me better than anyone else. He understands my mind and how it works in a way Pier never will, no matter how long I know him.

I must love him too. Why else would I put everything in jeopardy if I didn't?

"What are we going to do," I faintly whisper.

"After I left here yesterday, I refreshed myself on the laws of marriage in our kingdom, and Piers kingdom, too. Now, there is no way to legally get out of being betrothed to Pier, and if we don't take immediate action, you will have to marry him by law," she explains, mostly ignoring my question.

"However, I came across a record of a princess who, to avoid being married to the prince she was betrothed to, secretly married the one she was actually in love with. That princess was your great grandmother, Clarabelle. According to our law, you can't be married to two people. Therefore, if you were to marry someone in secret before the wedding, you'd be free," she explains.

"But I'd start an outrage, maybe even a war," I exclaim.

"Honey, you have a chance of doing that either way."

"Who would I marry?"

"You already know the answer to that," Alice chuckles.

"He would never agree," I mutter, eyeing the floor.

"I think he would," Alice retorts, staring behind me.

I turn to follow her gaze, and take in a sharp breath.

"Leonardo," I whisper, barely audible. He must have snuck in through the garden door, though I don't know how he did it without my hearing him.

His lips curve upward into a grin, and I rush to him, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug.

I look up at him, and meet his blue eyes. Our faces are inches apart, and I could easily close the distance if I wanted to.

I was in this position once before. That time seems to be a million years ago, though it was only a month or two.

At that time, I had a war brewing inside of me, against what I knew in my mind was right, and what my heart wanted me to do.

I ran away. I couldn't decide so I ran away, refusing to accept the truth that had been there all along had I bothered to see it. It was never a hidden truth, though I tried to bury it. But the light of my true feelings burned through everything I did to try and cover them up.

But I won't run away anymore. No, I won't run from the truth ever again. And that truth is that, no matter how impulsive it may seem, or how silly or how seemingly impossible it is, I am in love with this boy standing in front of me.

Which is why, without a second thought, I press my lips against his.


You have no idea how long I've been waiting to write this chapter. Tell me what you think!

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