[23] Burn

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After calling the crew, it was just a matter of seconds before they were all gathered together outside of Vincent's house. You had given no explanation of what was going on. You simply used the excuse that it was an emergency, knowing many wouldn't come if they knew the reason. Vincent bitterly lead them inside into the living room, where you were waiting for all of them.

Mike was the first to speak. "(Y/n)? What's going on here? You said there was an emergency!" He looked confused and annoyed.
"It is an emergency." You made eye contact with all of the guards, trying to reassure your statement with each and every one of them. Including Vincent. "We all know Freddy's will be shutting down, but... we can't let it happen. I have an idea, but I'm going to need all of your help to make it happen."

Everyone seemed shocked by what you said, but Mike's reaction was a similar copy to Vincent's. "You want to what?! (Y/n), Every fucking person here has had a near death experience in that place, and you want to keep it from going away!? Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"Mike," You know it will be harder to convince him than anyone else. "I know the place isn't exactly all rainbows and sunshine, but think of the good things that have happened there."
He immediately argues back. "Why save the place of the old man that's never done anything for us? He paid me fifty fucking cents extra for one more night and I nearly died! Again!"
"But you know you can't get a job anywhere else!" Your mind raced trying to find ways to convince Mike. "And you really want that ring for Doll. Do this for her, at least."
He flinched. "Don't bring Doll into this." He stayed quiet after that.

Everyone else was still bewildered with the idea, but didn't seem to want to argue. Scott was the most willing to help out. "So," he rubbed his hands together. "How do we start?"

You look up at him and smile gratefully. "Here's the plan. I have a bunch of money left from a house I didn't buy, and Vincent can lend some, too. We can pay for repairs, improvements, mechanics to fix the animatronics and even get some new ones and anything else." You turn and point at Fritz. "Fritz. I know you're good with machines and cooking. If you help, we'll save some budget on mechanics and you can be head chef." You look around, making sure you have everyone's attention before landing your eyes on the phone guy.

"Scott. No offense to everyone else but he's the most mature out of all of us. You'll manage the budget and make sure to keep us on track." Checking again for any disagreements, you look around the close circle of guards. They seemed slightly offended but focused so you continued to give out instructions. "Mike and Jeremy. You'll be in charge of entertainment. You can do anything you want that you think will make you and kids happy. If we're gonna save this place, might as well make ourselves happy too."
Everyone seems to be looking forward to the renovation. Even Vincent had a proud look on his face when he looked at you. When the guys left the house, you said one last thing. "Don't mention it to Boss,"

✿  ✿  ✿

The night and it's darkness had settled down on the city, and you and Vincent were on your way to carry out your own private plan to free the children. After several hours of thinking, the only way you could think of was to burn down the place. The pizzeria is what held the kids' back from reaching the afterlife, so it was only logical that by getting rid of the place, they would finally be free. Rebuilding it wouldn't be a problem, knowing the insurance of the pizzeria would cover the "accident" and pay to have it built again.

In the backseat of the car sat two gallons of gasoline and a box of matches. You turn back to check on them as if they could disappear. Vincent turns in the corner and parks behind the pizzeria. He pulls out a keychain from his back pocket and unlocks the door. You follow behind, keeping quiet in case the animatronics were active. You pass a gallon to Vincent and you part ways, covering the place left and right with the thick liquid. You took the left hall while he took the right.

Once done, you see him on the other side of the stage room. You signal you're out of fuel and he nods. He lights up a match and raised three fingers, staring intensely at you. You prepare your legs to sprint to the door. One finger goes down as he mouths 'three'. Another follows and Vincent crouches slightly, ready to run, too and his lips moved again; 'two'.
Your heart hammered, adrenaline racing in your veins. His last finger goes down: 'one'.
His voice break the silence. "Go!" The match drops and in a matter of seconds, vivid, giant flames danced all over the floor. You ran into the left hall again, seeing Vincent take the right. Just a few more feet until the exit. The smoke made your throat, lungs and eyes sting as you ran away from the fire.

Behind you, the screech of an animatronic pierced the smoke filled air. Chica, with her eyes black, came bursting out of the flames, which wrapped around her body. Vincent had heard it too, and you heard him from the other side of the building. "(Y/n), run!"
You let out a scream and pick up speed, but it was too late. Chica made a wild grasp. She didn't catch you but she threw you off balance. You slipped on the gas and fell down, blowing out the clean air left in your lungs.
Chica loomed over you, watching you lose your hold on reality and going unconscious. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, accompanied with a ringing in your ears. The blow and the smoke kept you from properly breathing.
Vincent was nowhere in sight.

You coughed and gasped as your sight narrowed and faded. Red spots blinked in front of you eyes. You fell a tug at your ankle. Chica was dragging you back into the fire. You tried to fight, but your body felt disconnected from your mind. You hear the sound of metal clanking and Chica let's go of you. Vincent appeared right behind her. He had hit her with a fire extinguisher.
Recovering, you stand up and regain your balance.
Vincent turns to you. "Go, go! I'll fend her off!" He hit Chica hard in the head. Sparks flew and her body fell limp. He ran towards you and dragged you by the hand to the door. Both our you make it out of the pizzeria together and enter the car, gasping for pure air.

"Don't ever scare me like that! I thought I'd lost you forever!" Vincent yelled in such an angry way it made you flinch. You had never seen him angry. You look down, still dazed. He was definitely mad.
He took a deep breath and sighed. He quickly turned to you and gave your lips a quick kiss, catching you by surprise. "I love you so much. I can't bear losing you,"
He turned back to the wheel and started the engine. "C'mon,"
You drive out of the parking lot, and as you drive away, you keep staring at the burning building.
Suddenly, you hear something. A voice that seemed to come from nowhere, but you recognized the children's voice.

'Thank you'

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