<51> Coffin

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Sam sat in the front of the church. He was surrounded by many people, werewolf and not. Almost everyone from the community had showed up.

Sobbing echoed throughout the building, making a sorrowful melody. It came from women and children.

Silent sobs were common as well.

A few people were lined up to talk about the beloved part of the community that was lost.

Eventually, people began to view the body one by one. Sam stood first. He pushed a hand into his pocket.

He had forgotten to bring a flower for his mate, the man lying in the coffin.

Sam stared distastefully at the carpeted floor, scraping his shoes against it while trying not to let weakness show its hideous face.

A sniffle escaped from his grasp, disrupting the pitiful cries.

"I'm gonna miss you, love." He whimpered, reaching into his left pocket. He pulled out a black velvet box, which contained a lovely diamond ring, and placed it inside the coffin to the left of his deceased mate's head.

Sam's heart was deviously ripped into pieces. His whole world was taken from him.

The second chance alpha stood beside the open coffin, shaking people hands and receiving hugs. He didn't want hugs or consolidation. He wanted Dante.

He stood his ground, eyes staring coldly through bodies and pews.

He should still be alive.

If only I had found him faster; he would still be by my side.

Eventually, everyone filed out of the small white chapel on top of a vibrant green hill. The earth felt dark and dreary with the passing of Dante.

About an hour or so later, the burial service began to take place. The previous hour had been set for mourning but Dante wouldn't have wanted that.

He would've wanted the community to commemorate what he's done. He would've wanted them to be happy and live in memory not in mourning.

Sam grunted the thought to the back of his brain and turned so his body faced away from the others. He watched as the coffin was closed, his lover inside.

People gradually gravitated towards the burial location and the air hummed with their conversation. A being pulled up alongside Sam and placed a strong hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your loss. He was a great beta and will be missed." Ajax coughed to cover up the crack of his voice. He surely will miss his late beta's presence.

Sam nodded in acknowledgment but didn't respond. He hadn't found time to find the right words. His mind was only a scramble of incomplete sentence fragments and lost words. The only sentences he could fully comprehend were his wishes to have his beloved back.

The silky black coffin which carried Sam's mate was lifted to the already dug hole in the ground. The box was slowly sunken into the hole and layers of dirt concealed it. Many people weeped still but Sam had not shed a single tear.

The previously carved headstone was securely placed above the body's head.

Sam waited until everyone had filtered out, leaving only him and the dead. He turned to walk away but spotted a bright flower.

Quickly, he plucked it and sauntered sullenly back to his mate's grave.

Sam knelt down onto one knee and placed the flower before the headstone, reading it as he knelt.

"Here lies a beloved mate and piece of this community. He will forever be in our hearts.

Dante Burne 1990-2016"

Sam read it over and over, not able to believe that his lover was truly gone.

Once reality hit the poor man, his body crumpled to the ground and waves of sobs washed over his skin and bones.

"I-I still love you, Dante." He cried.

"I'll miss you, my love." Sam tried to regain composure before falling to the ground again.

"I'll love you forever and always, even if you were an asshole." He mumbled, pushing himself up and out of the dirt. He shakily wiped away his tears and straightened his suit jacket.

Turning away from the sight before him he heads back to his car.

Before he can even grab the handle of the door, a gunshot rings out.

Sam turns just in time to look at a man walking towards him. Wearing black from head to toe, he raises the gun again and shoots. Hitting Sam in the head, he falls to the ground, his last
breath being forcefully dragged out of him.

The man ambles towards the dying body.

Sam recognizes his shooter immediately.

"You bastard." Sam growls at his father before the world became black.

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