Chapter 15

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"We can't prepare the ceramonie!" I'm in a living room, I think I have no idea who's house I'm in. There's a man talking to someone that has a mask on. "Why not!?" The person with the mask questioned. Must be talking about me. "She's not pregnant!" They look towards me and see that I'm awake. "What ceramony?" I ask kindly. Not knowing whether they are abusive or not. "Ok let us introduce ourselves. I am Callum." I nodded. "And I'm Jackson." The man in the mask added. Its Jackson. "We are decended Traders, and you already know your a watcher." What are Traders? "Yout see, when a watcher is pregnant, They have a trader, a baby that has special abilities like us." Callum then makes a part of the floor freeze. Jackson, puts his hand on my hand. "Think of a food." I immediately thought of Louis I miss him so much right now. "Really? You think of Louis? I said a food." He claimed. So, if I actually was pregnant I would have a baby with special abilities. "Wait so what was the ceremony?" Jackson immediately answered. "To make the baby become a watcher. Not a trader." "Wait so then my baby will still have to mame the decision wether to become Immortal, or die?" I asked the nod and I decide ? to get up from the floor. "I'm not pregnant, so I can leave now right?" I ask. "Just remember to talk to us if you do end-up pregnant, otherwise there will be consequences." Callum added. I walk out the door knowing Jackson was going to give me a ride. I hopped in the car like Jackson did he started the car and fot on the road, and then I decided to ask him a very, important question. "do the guys know that you are a traidor?" " no I do not plan on telling them until the time comes so don't tell them got it?" He asked me. I will how, but how did you find out that I might be pregnant?" I asked. He shook his head. Great, we have a snitch. Now who could it be? Maybee Harry, but he is really sensitive towards me. Louis, no probably not, he's the one who didn't want to tell anyone. Niall? Yup, I just solved it. Those were the only three people that knew. Great. The person that I thought I could open up too is a snitch. We arrived at the hotel and I opened the door to our room and found many welcoming arms. Louis was the first. "Are you okay?! Where we're you?!" Lou hugged me but pulled away and looked at me. "Um." "I found her at the park talking to a woman." He said. Now I am going to have to add on. "Yeah, she was a friend from elementary school." I lied. Louis nods and let's Harry, then Liam, then Zayn. Then Niall came up and was about to say something but I stopped him. "Don't talk to me." I walked straight to the bathroom and grabbed a razor out of the shelf and aimed at my wrists I put pressure on it and gave my self five cuts. I washed it off getting a few drops on my wrists making it sting. I put the razor back in the shelf and walked out. This time everyone was gone except Niall. "WOAH BRITTNEY WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" He pointed at my arm. Shit, forgot I was wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt. "Oh I accidentally cut my wrist on the thing in the bathroom." I am such a bad liar. "Let me see." He says. I pull away. "No. You told Jackson, that I could've been pregnant!" I screamed. He looked down at his shoes. "I thought he knew, but let me see your arm!" He yelled and grabbed my wrist, making me wince. He saw it and pulled me to the bathroom. Looking through the shower, the floor and then he found it, in the shelf, my razor. He looked at it for a moment. Then pulled his sleeves up from his sweatshirt and put it against his wrist and sliced it. "Stop!" I screamed I tried to grab it away but he moved. Then he stopped and looked at me. I looked at it five cuts. Like mine. "Niall!" I yelled grasping his wrist In my hand gently. "If you do I do it." He stated. Niall is one of the sweetest guys. Have ever met, but that's just dumb. "Niall, I did it for a reason." "Yeah, because of me and that's why I did it." I couldn't help but feel happy, I mean I have never met anyone that does what I do. I hug him and kiss his cheek but he turns his head makeing me kiss him on the lips. He continued to kiss me and I kissed back. Then the door opened and I knew it wasn't Niall or I. Uh...Oh...


Hey guys! I just wanted to put this out there cuz I have some amayzayn ideas for the next chapter which will be posted next weekend. So who do you guys want? Niney or Brouis? Lol couldn't think of verygood relationship names. Ok.comment new relationship names and which like ! Thanks guys love you!

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