Chapter 2

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I got u from my seat I headed to Science then C.A. I headed to my locker to start heading home when a certain person people told me to stay away from came up to my locker. I ignored him and walked away I headed for the door way when someone pushed me against the wall forcefully. It was Louis; I could feel his hot breath against my neck and one of his hands around my wrist making sure I won't get away, and the other secured on my waist. But the truth is, I actually didn't want to leave his grip. He looked at me as if I was his one and only.

“Where you going Britt” He asked. I tried to figure out what to say in a matter of seconds and I only could think of one thing.

“To find you!” I said with an emphasized voice making my voice crack. He chuckled grinning he loosened his grip only for a second but then came back just as hard. He sucked my neck and I knew there would definitely be a bruise there. He kissed me not soft but passionately and I returned it. I pulled his hair and it made him groan. This became a whole make out session in the school I backed away.

“Let’s head to my house.” He offered but I had promised my Aunt Nikki I would be home right after school to tell her how my first day was.

“I can’t. I have to go home but maybe some other time?” I said innocently. I don't think he was going to take no for an answer. He grabbed my wrist and pushed me into his car. “Louis Im serious I actually have to go home.” I said. He glared at me.

“Can't you text your mom or something and tell her you'll be home later?” And that’s when all of the memorys started to come back and torture me.

**Flash back**  

I hope he doesn’t find me. What will happen if he does? What will happen to me? Will he hurt me? I hear footsteps they sound like they are outside of my door. I crawl even further beneath my bed. The door opens he searched in my closet then looked outside the window. Then he stops. Right in front of me. Right in front of the bed. He’s going to see me. find me. Then kill me.  


My memories leave me as something is shaking me and moving their hand in front of my face.

“Brittney? Brittney are you ok? Hello?” I push Lou’s hand out of my face and nod my head signaling to him I’m fine.

“Can you just drop me off at my house or something? Please” I saw the uneasiness in his eyes.

“You can get picked up at my house.” He said. Grrrr this boy!

“Please?” I say with puppy dog eyes.

“Fine.” He drops me off at my house and just leaves? What the hell? He can’t just leave? We just made out and have nothing to say about it.

Louis P.O.V  

What a bitch. Why couldn't she have just fucking texted her mom and told her that she was studying or something. I have no idea, But if I wanted to win this bet from Harry I best be stepping up my game. I need to date 3 new girls which were Natalie, Claire and now Brittney. But I think that I might think something more of Brittney. Stop the gibberish Tomo! You need to win this bet it’s now or never buddy. Wow was she a good kisser though. And her amazing brown eyes sparkle when she sees me it’s just Amayzayn ha-ha Zayn joke.    

Brittney’s P.O.V  

I opened the door and my Aunt Nikki tackle/hugged me.

“How did your first day of school go?” She asked me. Should I tell her yes because of like Claire and Katie or should I say Bad because of my feelings for Louis?

“Pretty good.” I said with a half-smile.

“Well that’s good any new friends?” She asked I nodded.

“Katie and Claire. They are super nice!” I said a little too sarcastically I think she caught on.

“Well then, if you don’t want to tell me then fine.” She said now I felt bad.

“No… it’s not that it’s just, I met this guy… Louis Tomlinson.” She looked surprised when I said that. Does she know who he is?

“I want you to stay away from him, I know he sounds good and seems good to you right now but he has been sleeping around.” Ewww. I already had this talk. I honestly could care less who she says to hang out with and who not to hang out with. I walked up stairs and made my bed. I got some dinner that Aunt Nikki made and took it up stairs. I finished it and took it back downstairs to put it into the dishwasher. I went back upstairs and put my PJs on and slowly drifted off to sleep.

*******Sorry about all the romance and all the kissy kissy but I thought it would help the story if you want more updates or want to be apart of the story comment.********************

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