Chapter 7

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Last day of school is today and the crescent moon is tonight. Louis house is now my permanent home. Good thing he doesn't live with his parents, Never mind I forgot they died. I never answered Lou last night when he said he loved me, I didn't know what to say but mostly just in pure shock. He never ended up telling me what traders actually were. Harry has repeatedly apologized but honestly, I think he just wants to get in my pants.

“What's the homework?” I asked Katie. I couldn't ask Claire, she found out about Lou and Me (Get it haha). Obviously , she says she cant even look at me but then again, she can still give me death stares.

“None, tonight's prom, did you forget?! Lets go get you a dress!” I nodded and the bell rang. We headed out of the school, Lou was waiting for me at his car as usual. I grabbed him into a hug.

“Proms tonight.” I stated. I waited for a reaction, but it never came.

“So?” What the hell crawled up his ass and died? He's in a pissy mood.

“Well, me and Katie are going dress shopping.” I told Lou. He didn't even look mildly shocked.

“What about tonight?” Louis whispered in my ear. I knew exactly what he meant.

“Ill be back in time. Don't worry babe.” I kiss his cheek and go to Katie's car.

“You know you guys are really cute together?” Katie said I giggled and blushed I closed the door and put my seatbelt on and she put the key into the ignition and headed straight to the mall. When we got there we headed straight to the dress store. We saw a ton of dresses but one really popped out at me. I grabbed it off the rack and went to the dressing room. I put it on and came out. I called for Katie and she came up and looked shocked. “I LOVE IT plus I have never seen you in a dress. WE ARE GETTING IT!!” We headed straight to the cashier until I noticed who it was.

“Lauren.” I mutter. She looked at me like she was sorry?

“Brittney… I just wanted to say sorry for all I have done, I am dating someone that treats me good now.” She said.

“And who's that?”

“Liam Payne.” She answered. He is actually a really nice guy he's one of Louis friends.

“I am really happy for you.” I say. I gave her a hug. And wait for her to check us out. We headed out and I waved Lauren goodbye and got into the car.

“Yours or mine?” Katie asked “I have my dress in the back.” She added.

“Mine… I have a curling iron.” She laughed and headed to my house.

******NEXT CHAPTER IS THEM GETTING READY AND PROM. What will happen?****** You’ll see in like 10 minutes lol ****

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