Alexa Bling (Percabeth+Nico)

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I mean no offense to anyone
All demigod/God characters belong to Rick Riordan
Any similarities with a character or location are completely incidental

Alexa Bling P.O.V.~No Mist

I miss Percy.

I think the whole school misses him. He was captain of the swim team, he was a great friend and he never fell for those sluts AKA queen bees. He was just a great person. Then one day he was gone, a day turned into a week. Next thing I know it's been a month then a year. Whenever I asked his stepdad Mr. Blofis where he was he just said he was hanging out with his dad's side of the family.

It's the beginning of senior year. I have lost almost all hope that he would ever come back. I was by my locker when I caught a glimpse of black hair, specifically windswept black hair accompanied by sea green eyes. But something looks different. He looks tanner, skinnier but at the same time more muscular. His eyes that were once filled with happiness look broken. What could break Percy Jackson?

"PERSEUS JACKSON WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I said as I ran up to him.

"Oh, hey Alexa"

"Where have you been? You do not just leave for a year unannounced."

"I was hanging out with my dad's side of the family. It was unexpected and we couldn't have any electronics. Where are the others?"

"Oh well David moved to Alaska- he shuddered when I said this- Marcus doesn't really hang out with us anymore ever since Serena moved to California"

"Ok, so who do you hang out with?"

"Well my girlfriend Zola, her brother Anthony and his best friend Emerson. They're all pretty cool and I'm sure they wouldn't mind if the famous Percy Jackson hung out with us."

"Thanks Alexa! Hey do you think you could read my schedule? My dyslexia is acting up again."

So obviously I took his schedule and told him his classes. They were the same as mine!

1- Greek history
3- Gym/Defense
4-Greek Language
7-Greek Mythology
8- Free period

(I know this is probably inaccurate but just go with it)

I looked back at Percy and he looked really pale. That's hard to do when your as tan as he is.

"L-L-Lex, wh-why are there all the G-Greek classes?"
"Did you not here? The Greek gods are real. All monsters are real. Demigods are real. So we have mandated Greek classes and the defense is in case monsters attack."
"Oh ok. Can you show me where my locker is, I forget. Then maybe you can introduce me to your friends."
"Yeah, come on Perce!"

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip Lunch~~~~~~~~~~

By the time lunch rolled around, I could tell Percy was sick of the staring. Well what did he expect. He showed up after a year unannounced. Ignoring all the stares and whispers we walk to a table in the corner of the cafeteria where my other friends are sitting.

"Percy this is Zola, Anthony and Emerson. Guys this is the famous Percy Jackson."

During lunch we talked about pretty much everything. Except for where Percy was. He refused to tell us no matter how many times we asked. He didn't even slip up and accidentally tell us when we asked about other things. Oh well, time for English with Mr. Blofis.

Percy looked like a zombie as we were walking into English. Now, I know Percy doesn't like English because of his dyslexia but this was different. I kept trying to talk to him and I couldn't get a response. He just walked in, sat at the back of the room and continued to stare at absolutely nothing. It was weird.

"Alright class, as you can see, Percy is back in school this year. So Percy why don't you tell the class where you were."

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say because he started freaking out.

"NO!!!!! Don't hurt her!"
He abruptly stood up. Effectively knocking his chair over. Then he started climbing over the desks, still screaming.

He was by the windows when he suddenly stopped, then his eyes rolled back into his head and he passed out. Looking around the room everyone looked shocked, except for Mr. Blofis. He just looked sad, like this happened a lot. Then he grabbed his phone and started talking to the person on the other side.

"Annabeth, it happened again."
"I know I shouldn't have done that but he needs to learn to cope."
"Ok I'll see you in a minute, and Annabeth, bring Charlie."
Then he hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked

He was about to answer when three people legit stepped out of the shadows. Like they actually stepped out of the shadows.

The first was a boy, younger than me by a couple years. He had longish black hair, a pale olive skin tone and eyes that were either extremely dark brown or black. With him was a girl that I was jealous of. She had long princess curled honey blonde hair, tan skin and stormy grey eyes, Zola was still prettier though. The third person was in blonde girls arms. It was a little boy, only a couple months old. He had a little tuff of dark hair like Percy's on top of his head and he had the blonde girls stormy grey eyes. Translation was he was adorable.

"Hello Nico, Annabeth, Charlie" said Mr. Blofis

The guy, Nico I think, said hi but the other two ignored him and walked towards Percy.

Annabeth sat down next to Percy and started whispering to him while placing the child, I assume Charlie on his chest. With a jerk that almost threw the baby off of his chest, Percy woke up. He looked confused for a couple seconds but then he must've realized what happened because he started crying and hugging Annabeth.

"What just happened!?!?" I asked

Percy sighed, like this happened a lot.

"Look I didn't want to be a half blood....."

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