Jill and Eliza (Hazel)

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This one is based off of my school and friends. If any of these people sound familiar then it's probably because you know them.

Jill P.O.V.

Hello weird people of the world. My names Jill, me and my friend Eliza are eighth graders at KRMS. It was about halfway through the year when we met someone that changed our lives.


It was a Monday morning, I hate Monday mornings. We were sitting in advisory when Mrs. Arinello announced that we had a new student joining us. TBH I was a little nervous. A lot of people ignore Eliza and I because we are MAJOR fangirls, specifically PJO/HOO. People often give us weird looks when we fangirl, I think you can relate. I just hoped that this new girl wasn't one of them.

When she walked in Eliza and I gasped. She was a dead ringer for Hazel Levesque. She was African American with cinnamon colored hair and 14 karat gold eyes. She was also very short, about my height of 5'2" and she was dressed in simple jeans and a tshirt.

"Class this is Hazel Levesque. I expect you to treat her with respect. Now Hazel, why don't you go sit with Jill and Eliza."

Holy Hera! Her name is Hazel Levesque, and she's coming over here right now. I look over at Eliza and see a similar reaction and in one look we decide to tell her we know who she is.

I know. You probably think we're crazy. But Eliza and I think we're demigods. We bonded over our love for PJO obviously, but we also bonded over the fact that neither of us ever knew our moms.

I have really bad attention issues, I don't think it's ADHD though and a small case of dyslexia and Eliza has a small case of both.

Now, I would say I'm a child of Athena, I have really good grades, but I have multicolored eyes. No, not kaleidoscope, they don't change colors every time I blink. They just never settle on a color. They always have some green in them. But someday they are just green while other days there's some brown, or blue, or grey, or even some of this reddish color in them. I have medium length light brown hair that has natural golden auburn highlights. I don't particularly like makeup but every once in a while I'll wear some. What I do love is colors. All do them, except for certain shades of a color. Like neon yellow isn't my favorite.

Eliza on the other hand has slightly frizzy brown hair that goes a little past her shoulders. She has blue eyes but they sometimes have a little green in them. Eliza is an extremely persuasive person. She hates fashion and all that but she always manages to look amazing. She also doesn't care what people think about her which is another reason we're friends.

Now I have to admit although I'm not a huge fan of makeup, I love shopping. It's one of my favorite things to do besides reading and fangirling. Especially if we go to Aéropo-

My thoughts were interrupted by Eliza waving her hand in front of my face. Crap I need to focus.

I look up and Hazel is standing in front of us, looking at us with curious gold eyes.

"Hi I'm Jill and this is my best friend Eliza. Why don't you sit down."

She smiled with amazhangly perfect teeth and sat down between us. Since I do most of the talking between Eliza and I, I decided to wait to tell her that we think we're demigods.

"So Hazel, can I see your schedule?"
"Sure here you go"

She had the same schedule as me and Eliza.

Spanish 1

"Hazel we have the same schedule! So we can show you around!"


"Well that's the bell, off to chorus!"

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip to lunch because I'm lazy~~~~~~~~~~

Walking into lunch we go straight to the corner table. It's right by the vending machines, we can see the clock and it's close to the trash cans so we don't have to raise our hands to get up. It's perfect.

All the rest of our friends are already sitting down. Mercedes, Lizzy, Lindsay, Eliza, Me, and today Hazel.

"Hey guys, this is Hazel, she's new."

A chorus of Heys was my response. Lizzy, probably the most energetic and straightforward person at the table, starting interrogating Hazel.

"So Hazel, why did you move?"
"Um my dad thought that this school would be a better fit for me."
"Where did you go to school before here?"
"Jupiter Middle School"

I shoot Eliza a look.

"Hazel, do you want to come over to my house this afternoon?" I ask, hoping she'll say yes.
"Sure that would be fun!"


Time for Science. Yay! *note the sarcasm*

~~~~~~~~~~Another time skip because I'm still lazy, To the end of the day~~~~~~~~~~

Hopping onto bus 26 for the 1/2 hour ride homeward was fine. Sitting still for the entire time, was more of a challenge. I couldn't stop moving and Hazel didn't appear to be doing much better.

Finally after what seemed like forever, Hazel, Eliza and I, got off at my stop.
Walking inside, I noticed no one was home so I got straight to the point.

"Hazel. Eliza and I think that we're demigods"

She looked at us in shock for a couple seconds before she broke out into a smile.

"That's what I was gonna say. So, are you ready to go to CHB."


So, should I make more parts for this one or not?
It was originally going to be longer but I needed to post something because you guys have been patiently waiting.


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