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Silena P.O.V.

It was a normal day in Elysium. Everything was perfect.

I was just sitting here with Charlie. He was my boyfriend when we were alive but he is basically my husband at this point. Anyways, I think it's been about a year since the Titan War ended but I'm not sure. Time is different in Elysium. A couple demigods have come in talking about the Giant War. Apparently Gaea(Gaia) is trying to rise but the demigods are giving a good fight. Also Percabeth got together *cue squealing* and Percy went missing because Hera stole him and Annabeth never stopped looking. It's just so cute.

So I was sitting with Charlie talking to one of the demigods from the battle when a new person walked through the gates. He wasn't very tall. Maybe 5' 6" with brown eyes and black hair, he looked Latino and apparently the demigod I was talking to recognized him.

"LEO?!??!?? What are you doing here?"

Hmmmm.... I guess he was a demigod.

"I killed Gaea(Gaia) in an explosion but it killed me to."

"Come on Leo I want you to meet one of your siblings. Leo this is Charles Beckendorf. Everyone calls him Beckendorf. Beckendorf this is Leo. He was head counselor of your cabin. Also he has a gift. Leo, show them"

He held out his hand and I was fascinated to see that it was on fire. Charlie was the one to speak next.

"A fire user" he said it in awe.

"Beckendorf, everyone still talks about you at camp. Our cabin was sort of cursed after you died. Machines went haywire, things exploded, then the metal dragon. It went on a rampage and everyone was freaking out cause you were the only one who could control it. I kind of broke the curse, I was able to tame the dragon because it couldn't hurt me with fire and then I went on a quest and all that stuff. Then I starte-" he never got to finish because at that moment he disappeared.

I was confused, and by the looks of it so was everyone else that saw him disappear. I expected him to be back in a couple minutes, maybe an hour or a day but I never saw him until years later.

Time passes differently in Elysium. We all learn that when we enter. I never age unless I want to be a little older or something.

Still, I was a little surprised when Leo came back and he looked the same as before. Also, he had a girl with him, but they weren't in love, I could tell that they were just really good friends. I noticed Leo looking around for someone then he spotted me and walked over.

"Hey Silena I have someone I want you to meet."
He pointed to the girl, clearly indicating that he was talking about her.

"Hi I'm Silena, daughter of Aphrodite"

"I'm Piper, new head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin. It's nice to finally meet you."

Let's just say, although I'm not a gossip, Piper and I had PLENTY to talk about.


Sorry for such a short one shot, I still have writers block and I've been extra busy. I'll try to update within a month but I don't know if that will happen.

Thanks for your patience!

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