Ryan Thompson (Percy)

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I mean no offense to anyone
All demigod/God characters belong to Rick Riordan
Any similarities with a character or location are completely incidental

Ryan P.O.V.~ No Mist

Hey I'm Ryan, I was the most popular guy in school, I was the captain of the swim team. All that changed when Percy Jackson came to Goode High School. Yeah I have to say he's pretty great. But he stole my spot on the team, my spot as most popular and my spot as the ladies man. All the girls ask him out, I even got dumped by this girl, Erica  so she could ask him out. The thing is he always declined saying that he a girlfriend.

About a week ago we found out that Greek gods are real. Apparently there was this stuff called the mist that kept us from seeing them. Also there are these freaks called demigods that are half God and half mortal. In order to try and gain my social status back I have the perfect plan. I'm going to tell everyone I'm a son of Poseidon. It makes sense I mean with my sun kissed blond hair, deep blue eyes and perfect tan and I'm great at swimming. What could go wrong. Maybe after this Percy Jackson will bow down to me like he's supposed to.

I saw Percy by his locker and I started to put my plan into action.

Percy P.O.V.

I was standing by my locker talking to my friend Cameron when the school jerk/jock Ryan walked up to me.

He shoved me into my locker before I could do anything, I could tell that this was gonna draw a crowd because he had a menacing look in his eyes.

"Hey Percy how's your 'girlfriend'? Oh wait you don't have one"

A crowd was staring to gather. But Ryan wasn't done, he just kept on talking.

"Why don't you let me be team captain again I mean after all I am a son of Poseidon"

Ryan P.O.V.

I am a son of Poseidon......

Everyone is the crowd gasped. How come the son of Poseidon wasn't the captain of the swim team?

I expected Percy to give up captain right away, beg for forgiveness, repeatedly tell me he's sorry. Instead he starts laughing.

I don't me like a little snicker, I mean full blown can't breath laughter.

"What's so funny? I am the favored son Poseidon."

He starts laughing even more at this. At this point almost the entire school is watching us, some confused others laughing along with Percy.

Before I can say anything, I find myself on the ground with a sharp pain in my shoulder and Percy is standing over me.
"If you were a demigod, you would have been able to block that punch. You would have felt no pain and you wouldn't be on the ground. Last time I checked demigods have fast reflexes and high pain tolerance."
"How would you know Jackson? It's not like you're a demigod."
"Actually I am"

Gasps were heard around the room. Percy Jackson, a demigod????
Some people stared in disbelief while others look confused. So I decided to clear things up.
"Prove it"

Suddenly water started to swirl around him until he was in his own personal hurricane.

"I am Perseus 'Percy' Jackson, only living half-blood child of Poseidon God of the Seas and Horses, Earth-shaker.
Defeater of the Minotaur twice, defeater of Ares God of war, defeater of the furies, defeater of Medusa, traveler of the underworld, retriever of Zeus' lightning bolt and Hades' helm of darkness, survivor of the Sea of Monsters or as you mortals like to call it the Bermuda Triangle, temporarily a Guinea pig on Circe's island, retriever of the Golden Fleece, helped defeat the Manticore, holder of the sky, now that was dam painful(sorry I had to) savior of Artemis Eternal maiden and Goddess of the hunt, one of the only boys that she deems trustworthy and loyal, wanderer of the labyrinth, visitor of Ogygia, survivor of the Battle of the Labyrinth, barer of Achilles curse, single handedly defeated 100s of undead soldiers, defeater of Hyperion, defeated Kronos, Titan lord of time, child of the first great prophecy......

At this point he was being surrounded by a sea green aura of power. I thought he was done talking but no there was more.

"One of the great 7 of the second prophecy, part of Hera-the Queen of the gods plan to unite the two demigod camps, defeater of Medusas sisters, traveled to Alaska the land beyond the gods, defeater of Polybotes,  Ex-Praetor of Camp Jupiter, I was possessed for a little bit, survivor of tar....tar.... The pit, which by the way is literal hell, helped defeat Gaea(Gaia), two time savior of Olympus, Fiancé of Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena." (Did I miss any titles?)

I have to admit I was really scared. The sea green light took over and Percy was wearing full Greek armor.

He walked up to me, gave me a menacing look and spoke.

"You think this is a game, you think being a demigod is so cool. How would you like it if you were constantly running from monsters. Thousands of them trying to kill you. Well let me tell you, this is no game, this is life and death."

At that moment a pack of hell hounds burst through the wall. Percy did something a little strange, he pulled out his special pen. Nobody was allowed to touch it. But when he took the cap off it turned into a sword. Within two minutes all the hellhounds were gone, replaced by gold dust. But Percy had one more thing to say.

"You sir are no demigod"

With that Percy walked away and I never saw him again.

That was the day I found out I was bullying a son of Poseidon.......
while pretending to be a son of Poseidon.

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