Shane Perry (Solangelo) (Important A/N)

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I mean no offense to anyone
All demigod/God characters belong to Rick Riordan
Any similarities with a character or location are completely incidental

Important A/N at the end. Please read!

Shane P.O.V.~No Mist

It was a normal Greek Mythology class. Ever since we found out Greeks Mythology isn't exactly mythology, classes like Greek mythology, language, history and modern Greek are mandatory. So like I said it was a normal Greek class, not that I was paying attention or anything. I'm the hottest sexiest jock in the school. With my windswept blonde hair and hazel eyes, I don't need to know about the Greek gods. We get it Artemis is the goddess of love and beauty, Hades is the God of the sun. (Stupid Mortals).

So of course our Mythology teacher chose the moment I was about to fall asleep to call on me.
"Shane can you tell me who the God of the underworld is?"
"Ummm it's Apollo duh"
"Shane tha-"

He was interrupted when we heard someone laughing and I turned around to see who it was. I was shocked.
Nico Di Angelo.

See for some reason girls think that emo freak is hot and mysterious. He doesn't talk much which is fine by me because whenever he talks everyone listens because of his Italian accent. He as longish black hair and black eyes, or maybe they're just really dark brown. I wouldn't know he rarely looks up enough for people to see his eyes. He always dresses in all black and I've never seen him smile, I don't think anyone has so imagine the classes surprised faces when he starts laughing.

"What's so funny Di Angelo?"
"Oh nothing just laughing at how stupid you are"
"What do you mean how stupid I am?"
"Your answer was so wrong. Apollo is the god of the sun, Hades is the god of the underworld"
"Well of course an emo freak like you would know"

Suddenly, he wasn't laughing anymore.

"What did you just call me?"

I have to admit I was scared. I could finally see his dark brown eyes and they looked like they were staring into my soul.

"Emo Freak"
"Wow, so creative. Is that the best your tiny little brain could come up with?"
"Oh should I add murderer to it? I mean we all know you murdered your family. Right?"

Now he stood up and started walking over to me. I think the teacher was to afraid to intervene considering he had seen Nico's eyes and he didn't want a part of it.

Now Nico started talking in a deadly calm voice.

"You can insult me. You can insult my looks, my personality, everything, I don't care. But never ever insult my family or I can assure you there will be a spot waiting for you in the field of punishment. Do you understand me?"

"Oh I understand perfectly fine that the emo murderer is close to the God of the underworld"
I probably shouldn't have said that because next thing I know his fist connected with my jaw. Let me tell you, that kid has a strong punch.

Then he walked out of class. Like he just walked out of class and the teacher didn't even stop him.

~~~~~~~~~~ Time Lapse, Next day~~~~~~~~~~

Today is career day. I am super excited because my dad is a super famous actor. Like he's been minor characters in movies with Tristan McLean.

Walking into the gym there were a lot of people on the stage. I saw my dad and I waved and then I took my seat. Also on stage was a super creepy guys that kinda looked like Nico. Maybe that's his dad? No, it can't be his dad left him to die. Duh. (I feel the urge to strangle my character right now)

My dads next and I'm super excited. You see, all the parents go up and talk about there jobs and all that stuff. But my dad clearly has the best job. I mean who can beat a famous actor. No one.

"Hello everyone I'm Jacob Perry, Shane's dad and I'm here to talk about what it's like to be an actor. Personally I think being an actor is the best job you can have. I get to travel around the world a lot to shoot scenes for movies and I have a bunch of famous friends. If you think you want to be an actor I suggest working on lying. It's a great skill to have." Then he walked off stage smirking. (We all know where Shane got his attitude from)

Next up to the microphone was the creepy dude who looked like Nico. He literally radiated death.

"Hello everyone I'm Hades, yes the god and I'm Nico's father-everyone was shocked, Nico, a demigod-Well don't look so surprised I'm actually shocked people hadn't figured it out. Anyway you all know my 'job' if you pay attention in class. Now Nico get up here I have a surprise for you."

Oh crap. I have been bullying a son of Hades. This is not good.

Nico started to walk up to the stage and he looked pissed. Apparently he didn't want his dad here.

"Why did you come here Hades?"
"Like I said, I have a surprise"

As he was saying this there was a boy sneaking up behind Nico. He was the exact opposite with blond hair, blue eyes and a tan.

"NEEEEKKKKSSSS!!" Blondie shouted as he jumped on Nico's back. Nico doesn't like human contact, and he definitely doesn't like nicknames. So I was shocked when he turned around and kissed blondie.

"Solace!" Hmmmm that must be blondies last name.

Then Nico turned and addressed the entire school that was still staring, shocked.

"In case your brain still isn't processing. I'm Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades I have a bunch of titles but I don't feel like wasting time that could be spent with my boyfriend here, by telling you. Goodbye."

With that he walked offstage.

I really don't know Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, at all.


Ok I have something to say. I know that not everyone ships Solangelo.
That doesn't mean that you need to comment hateful things.
I am working on a chapter for Reynico and Thalico because people have requested those ships.
If you don't like a ship then don't read the chapter.
This goes for other ships as well.
I am working on a chapter for ConnorxLou Ellen and a chapter for ConnorxMiranda.
People don't always ship the same things.
If you want to request a ship, go ahead, I'll write a oneshot.
I want to make ALL of you guys happy.

Also, school started for me this week so I'm sorry if the updates aren't as often. I'll update at least once every two weeks but I'll try to update once a week. It might not happen, I'm sorry. I hope you understand that I want to update I just don't have nearly as much time.



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