Roxy Clove(Percabeth)

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I mean no offense to anyone
All demigod/God characters belong to Rick Riordan
Any similarities with a character or location are completely incidental


Roxy P.O.V.~No Mist

I was walking to English class with my Best Friend Annabeth, hold on let me introduce myself. Hi my names Roxy, I'm a senior at Goode High School in New York, I met Annabeth about 3 weeks ago in October. That's around the time that we found out that Greek Gods and Goddesses are real. I gotta say that's really cool but we also found out that all the monsters are real too. Hydras, hell hounds and the Minotaur just to name a few. The craziest part to believe was that  the gods had children with mortals called demigods. These demigods supposedly have godly powers, but a lot of people think that that's fake because we've never met demigods before.
Ok, so we were walking to our last period which is Mr. Blofis' English class  and Annabeth looked really tired.
"Annabeth are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well last night"
"Nightmares?" I know about the nightmares she gets, I don't know what happened only that it's really bad.
When I say nightmares she tenses, only for a second, but I saw it.
"Annabeth why don't you go to the nurse to take a rest?"
"No I'll be fine, I'll take a nap when I get home"
"Are you sure, does your boyfriend know about these nightmares?" Annabeth has this mystery boyfriend who goes to Goode but no one knows who it is.
"Yeah my boyfriend knows and I'm sure I'll be fine"

In English we had to read a book by some old dude from Greece, for the entire block. Annabeth didn't have to read it because she's already read it in like more than one language, so she started to fall asleep. I didn't think anything of it until she started screaming in the middle of class.

I'm not sure if screaming is the right word though. This is more like heart wrenching, glass shattering, watching someone getting killed in from of you, oh I got it, it was pure terror. Mr. Blofis had left the room so I tried to approach Annabeth, that was a big mistake.

When I got close enough to give her a hug I got punched in the jaw, I fell backwards but luckily I didn't hit my head on anything so I just backed away.
Were these what her nightmares were like every night? How does she stop them? What can I do to help?
It was around this time that Mr. Blofis came into the room. He called the office to ask for Percy Jackson to be immediately sent to his room. Apparently Percy was more important than Annabeth because he didn't try to do anything about her.....

Percy P.O.V.

I was in the middle of an math test when I got called to my step-dad Pau- er I mean Mr. Blofis' room. I didn't think to much of it. To be honest I was just happy to get out of my math test, then I remembered how Annabeth didn't sleep well last night and she was in English right now. I started running up the stairs to the English room, I wasn't even halfway there when I heard her screaming.
I may or may not have started talking in Greek, I do that when I'm scared or nervous.
"Oh σκατά"(oh sh*t)
I started running faster
"No no αυτό επίκλισης να συμβαίνει" (no no, this can't be happening)
Her screams were getting louder
"Δεν όχι τώρα στο σχολείο" (not now not in school)
I was almost there.
Then when I turned into the classroom, what I saw broke me.

Roxy  P.O.V.

Percy ran into the room talking in Greek I think. He looked absolutely crushed when he saw Annabeth. He looked like he was about to approach her so I thought that maybe I should warn him.
"She has a good punch just so you know"
His response surprised me "I know"
Then the pieces fit together, a mystery boy that goes to Goode and knows about the nightmares.
Percy Jackson was her boyfriend.
He slowly started to walk towards Annabeth, talking about a summer camp they went to.
"Then when I woke up you told me that I drooled in my sleep, do you remember that?"
Annabeth started talking now
"Annabeth I'm right here, we're ok, we aren't there anymore."
"Percy where did you go?"
"Annabeth we're in school, I need you to wake up, we're ok"
At this point Percy had made it to Annabeth without getting hit, he wrapped his arms around her so she couldn't punch anyone. The whole class watched in awe and confusion when Annabeth woke up and started sobbing.
Annabeth is not one to cry let alone sob, she looked absolutely broken.
This is not the Annabeth I know, the Annabeth I know doesn't even look hurt when she gets punched. She's one of the best in gym class and she never declines a challenge and she always wins that challenge. This Annabeth was crying, she was screaming with pure terror. What could make someone who is so strong, so broken?

Now that Annabeth was awake and ok, I asked the question that was on everyone's mind, I never pried about the nightmares but now that I had seen them I needed to know.
"What happened?"
Then the weirdest thing happened, they started talking in Greek. Clearly having a serious conversation about something.
I didn't understand it but Percy started.
"θα πρέπει να τους λέμε?"~ should we tell them?
"ποιό μέρος?"~ which part?
"όλα αυτά"~all of it
"όπως και στην καταγωγή και Τάρταρα μας?"~ as in our parentage and Tartarus?
"Νομίζω ότι καλύτερα της μετά από αυτό που μόλις είδα"~ I think it's best after what they just saw
"αν μπορείτε να κάνετε την ομιλιά"~if you can do the talking
"Γιατί?"~ why?
"λοξοτομώ ακριβώς μετά από αυτό"~I just can't after that
"Οκ έτοιμο?"~ ok ready?
"ως έτοιμο ως άρρωσς ποτέ να είναι"~as ready as I'll ever be

Then they turned towards the whole class and Percy started talking.

"Do you guys believe in demigods?"

That was the day I found out my best friend was a demigod. Also that her and her boyfriend went through literal hell.

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