Justin Smith(Annabeth)

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If a character reminds you of someone you know, that is completely incidental and I don't mean to offend anyone in anyway.

NM~No Mist

Justin P.O.V.~NM

Hey I'm Justin and I'm totally the hottest most popular guy at San Fran High. I have a great tan, white blond hair and the sexiest hazel eyes you've ever seen. Every guy wants to be me, or they hate me when there girlfriend becomes mine. Every girl wants me, I mean how could they not. Well that is every girl except for Annabeth Chase. She has the prettiest princess curled honey blond hair that you've ever seen and and her entire lean, muscled body is perfectly tanned. I would totally call her a California girl if I weren't for her eyes, her grey eyes that look like they hold true pain, like she's calculating the best way to take you down. But let's be real, she could never take anyone down, she's just a dumb blond(TOTALLY NO OFFENSE TO BLONDS AT ALL).

Today's the day that I'm gonna ask her out. She won't be able to resist, she always turns boys down saying that she has a "boyfriend" in New York. Obviously she is just waiting for me. I have the perfect plan, I'm gonna tell her that I'm a son of Zeus.
You heard me , apparently the Greek gods and goddesses are real. Sometimes they even have children with mortals, demigods. Obviously those demigods are freaks(gasping from entire fandom while sharpening knives) I mean they aren't even supposed to exist. But Annababe (cringing) loves Greek mythology so maybe she'll like the idea.

Annababe was by her locker, right after mandatory Greek class. So I confidently walk up to her and say
"Hey Annababe, you, me, tonight, I'll pick you at 7"
She gives me a glare, one that could kill. She lowers her voice, almost to a growl and says
"First off my name is ANNABETH not ANNABABE, secondly why would I go on a date with an arrogant jerk when I already have a loving boyfriend in New York."
My confidence falters, only slightly but I can tell that those calculating grey eyes noticed.
I said "I suggest you don't insult me, my father could kill you with a single thought"
She asks (sarcastically) "Do tell who's your father?"
Time to act like those demigod freaks "My father is Zeus, King of Olympus and God of war" (stupid mortal)
I expect her beg for me to forgive her, plead to go on a date tonight, at least look scared or say sorry. Her response was....laughter?
It takes a couple minutes for her to calm down and I'm about to ask her what's so funny when an announcement comes over the intercom ~ "All students and staff report to the auditorium"
After this message I look at Annabeth and she has paled, I don't recognize the voice so I wonder if she does?

Annabeth P.O.V.

The voice over the intercom was Zeus.
What is he doing here? Are the rest of them here? Last time I checked I was supposed to stay hidden. Right?

Justin P.O.V.

When we walk into the auditorium there are 12 older people on stage (the Olympians) and 11 teenagers (the 7 -Annabeth, +Reyna, Nico, Rachel, Thalia and Calypso) also I see the principle Miss Hunt on stage, she looks terrified. Once everyone is seated I look for Annababe and see that she is trying to hide. What's that about?

When Miss Hunt introduces the adults on stage there are mixed reactions. Some people stare in awe, others look like they are about to run away, some put on what they hope is a brave face, some kids even faint. The people on stage are THE Olympians. As in the Greek gods and goddesses, they're at our school. Eventually everyone bows, except for Annababe, she's probably in shock from meeting her idols so I let it slide because everything else about her is still super sexy (gagging).
Two of the Olympians walk up to a set of microphones and everyone goes quiet as the male speaks.

"Hello Mortals of San Fran High, I am Zeus King of Olympus and this is my Wife Hera, Queen of Olympus. We have come here today in order for you to meet the heroes of the second giant war. Of course we would like all of the heroes up here and one of them is a student at this school."
At this news everyone gasps, some people that heard me in the hall earlier claiming to be a son Zeus look at me and I sink in my seat.
You can tell people are trying to figure it out, which student at this school is a demigod, savior of Olympus. Then Hera starts to speak,
" You know who you are so would the savior of Olympus please come up to the stage."
She barely manages to get the sentence out, almost as if she hates the person and calling them a savior is too much for her to handle. No one moves, no one takes the chance to walk up on stage, so Hera speaks again this time she's doing that thing wear you talk calmly but it's like a deadly calm, there was clear malice in her voice,
" If you don't come up her right now you know what I did to Percy, I can do that again, and maybe this time I'll make it permanent ."
At this Annabeth practically jumps out of her seat and runs to the stage. The kids on stage smile, while everyone in the audience gasps. There's no way that Annabeth is a savior of Olympus, I mean she's a wimp, a pretty wimp, but still a wimp. It can't be.
One of the Olympians, one with blackish hair and the same grey eyes as Annabeth greets her,
"Annabeth it's lovely it see you again, please state your full title."
Annabeth asks "Do I really need to do my full title mom, we might be here a while?"
"Yes full title"
Annabeth groans before announcing her full title.

"Annabeth Jackson, daughter of Athena, Head of Athena cabin at CHB, twice savior of Olympus, official architect of Olympus, defeater of medusa, Retriever of the Master bolt and helm of Darkness, Visitor of the underworld, survivor of the sea of monsters and Circe's island, retriever of the Golden Fleece, holder of the sky, wanderer of the labyrinth, inherited Daedalus' laptop, fighter in the second Titan war, helped with the demise of Kronos, follower of the Mark of Athena, finder of the Athena Parthenous, helped with the demise of Arachne, survivor of Tartarus which for you mortals that don't pay attention in Greek class, Tartarus is actual hell, helped with the demise of Gaea, one of the great 7 of the prophecy, also, for the boys that continued to ask me out, your right I don't have a boyfriend, I have a husband, I am the wife of Percy Jackson."
Everyone in crowd was shocked, but she wasn't done talking,
"Zeus, I thought you should know that one of the boys that asked me out, Justin Smith, claimed to be your son."
I slowly sunk in my seat as 7 angry gods found me in the audience(Zeus, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Athena, Artemis, Apollo and Hermes). I suddenly regretted everything that ever happened that day are I ran out of the auditorium.

That's the day I found out my crush was a demigod.

Also that she was married.

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