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In the last month my world has changed so much. It now revolves around him. Boy by the fountain. Im so stupid- i can tell everything is a little to smooth, and something is bound to go wrong soon. But, like every other girl,teenager, lady, woman, princess, queen; I can't help myself.

I can't pull myself away from this newly found flame in my life- like a moth to a light.

I'm pretty bad at reading other people but I'm thinking he may feel the sparks- or he just has no one else. I doubt that, he's such an amazingly deep person, he sees everything in a new perspective. He makes me feel like all my thoughts are blurry and the second he explains his everything becomes crystal clear- and each time I feel myself falling deeper, deeper into him.


I've officially become his number one fan. His  fangirl. Lately, we text as much as possible- all day everyday. It's like a drug- a high- I can't stop myself from thinking about him excessively, and frankly, I don't want to.

Think about it. Im down- in the dumps. And suddenly, he comes along and is the peanut butter to my jelly??? Uh hello!  If that isn't a sign from the universe, then what is?

We have been on three dates- as of yesterday. And I'm really trying to not be basic, but could he be the one? (I think it's my monthly- I'm extra emotional and weird)

Hopefully he feels the same and we are a happy couple, a girl can dream right? Although, as amazing as he is, he has these awkward cut off moments where he looks guilty- possibly in pain. BUT that's only when I ask really personal questions and that's normal. Some people are really touchy. And if he has a bad past who am I to barge in and force him to tell me? Especially is he's still healing from it.

Whatever it is, I'll give him his time.

I'll update soon with news on he and I.

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