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After a peaceful night of complete and utter boredom, I decided that i, myself, being the totally un-cliche  teen that I am, should go exploring. In the middle of the night. I know. FUN RIGHT? Others at my age or older may thing this this is stupid and I'll get hurt, but I'm so awesome and cool I'll be alright, you know?

You probably don't. For some reason I am on a hype.

Feeling uplifted I let my hous- apartment, and started my trek onwards. I was still new to the area, but that just made it more adventurous right?

With a skip to my step, I begun to pick up my pace- onwards, onwards & onwards  I had repeated to myself. And then, I took off. I was sprinting. To where, what or whom, I did not know. The only thing I knew was the adrenaline rush that was coursing through my veins.

And no, unfortunately I didn't happen  to bump into the fountain guy. In fact i was alone. When the adrenaline rush had dissipated, I had come the realisation that I was alone.

Inhaling a deep breath of the toxic air that suffocated me, I held my breath for a few seconds, before slowly exhaling.

Just because I had felt what I had felt the night before didn't mean I was over it. And I wasn't, trust me. But it's didn't know a way to let out some of my pent up frustration.

I let out a ear-splitting scream.

"Okay, what the hell? Are you trying to make my ears bleed?"

Shocked I let out a surprised squeal. And no. It's not fountain boy- don't get me wrong I wish it was, but it simply wasn't.

Seemingly getting angrier by the minute,
He begins to screech at me.

"Hellllooooo?.... lady? Woman? Girl? Look, okay, you can't just come out of nowhere and suddenly burst my eardrums, then decide to become mute alright! No. Just no"

Turning to him, suddenly flushed, i flashed a forced toothy grin, rushing out my words of apology.

"Uh, yeah, so I'm sorry. I uh thought I was alone but I'm not obviously because you're here duh but-but uhm yeah I'm so so sorry and please don't be angry and I wasn't mute and I didn't mean to disturb you I just felt stressed so I screamed yeah uh  now I realise that wasn't uhm smart so yeah again really really sorry!" 

Facepalm, I'm a stuttering mess!

Giving a sigh he turned around and retreated back to his home, I'm guessing anyways.

And it was then that I heard  his soft laugh.

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