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noun: familiarity
close acquaintance with or knowledge of something.
"his familiarity with the works of Thomas Hardy"
synonyms:    acquaintance with, acquaintanceship with, awareness of, experience of, insight into
"he wants to gain greater familiarity with European politics"
the quality of being well known from long or close association.
"the reassuring familiarity of his parents' home"
synonyms:    ordinariness, customariness, normality, conventionality
"the reassuring familiarity of his parents' home"
relaxed friendliness or intimacy between people.
"familiarity allows us to give each other nicknames"
synonyms:    informality, casualness, ease, comfortableness, friendliness,
"they feel comfortable with you because of your familiarity"
closeness, intimacy, attachment, affinity, friendliness, friendship,
"our familiarity allows us to give each other nicknames"
inappropriate informality or intimacy.
plural noun: familiarities
"the unnecessary familiarity made me dislike him at once"
synonyms:    overfamiliarity, presumption, presumptuousness, forwardness, boldness,
informalsauce, cockiness;
"she was affronted by his familiarity"


When people are surrounded by their friends, family, acquaintances, neighbours they feel a sense of familiarity. When people are in a place they know, home, school, their favourite shop, their car, they feel a sense of familiarity.

It's quite strange, but as I sat here on this bench, with a headache of a scene surrounding me, with a stranger, I felt it. I felt it in my toes, my legs, my arms, my chest- my head. I could feel my body swelling with this raw emotion. I could feel the tears clawing at my eyes. I could feel all the hurt lodged in my throat, chocking me. In that moment I felt it. It consumed me.

He reached out, placing his hand on mine, as if to help. How he knew my emotions, I had no clue. But when his fingers intertwined with mine, God did I feel it. The sparks. It was electric.

Giving me a soft sweet smile, he rose to his feet, extending a hand for me to take. Breathing out shakily, I prepared myself for the electricity. Placing my hand in his I stood. But my back was hunched and my head hung, I felt so out of place- yet familiar. Following in his footsteps I found myself standing by a fountain.

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