Yes, death?

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Something was towering over me. Was I scared? No. I'm sure we have all gathered who i am. Irrelevant, unneeded, a disappointment oh and most of all, I am a teenager, living in the real world. So, unlike the movies, I wasn't afraid. Hell, I wouldn't be afraid to look death in the eye.

Laughing humourlessly, I raised my head, flashed my best toothy grin and asked " yes death?"

All of my laughing ceased at the words he venomously spat out at me "excuse me?"

Deciding not to back down I repeated my self, "yes, death?"

He staggered back as if I had wounded him in the heart. With a small ounce of hurt in his voice he whispered, "I am not death"

Somehow, I'm not sure how, but somehow guilt began to seep through my veins cutting at my heart like sharp knives. As if sensing my feelings he let out a laugh, not a small chuckle, a big hysterical cry of laughter. I wasn't affected, I'd been through worse. I've been humiliated for smiling, I'm sure I could handle this.

Not sure why he did what he did next, maybe because he felt pity.
But as his laughter had died down, he sat to my right.

Maybe, he doesn't hate me, I thought with a light coat of red rising to my cheeks. Unexpectedly, his dark atmosphere slowly faded into a giggly and bright one.

Confused, I shifted towards the left. I begun to see him in a new light- literal obviously, it's still dark- I just wasn't sure if I liked the new light. It was contagious, I could feel myself itching to smile, laugh, giggle, anything really. He made me want to be free, to never worry. But in my head, I knew. I knew the emotions, the feelings that I was feeling in this moment weren't real. But my heart, my heart gave in.

Giving in to the itch, I smiled, laughed and giggled with him. As I turned to look at him, I noticed he had stopped laughing. Feeling silly, my laughter quickly came to a halt. Giving a slightly awkward cough, I turned away from his soft eyes. Awe? Yes in that moment I'm sure his eyes held awe for a
split second. Or I could be wrong, I'd ever seen someone look at me in awe.

He was toxic, but sweet toxic.

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