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After exchanging numbers, we finally parted ways, him turning right and myself turning left.

After the night I had just had, I was confused, and can you blame me? Where does this leave me? Releasing me from my thoughts my phone vibrated.

Boy by the fountain:
Hey. Since we didn't get to talk much, lets text right now.

After calming myself, I gave myself a pep talk about being a strong independent woman.

Girl by the fountain:
Hi. Twenty questions?

Boy by the fountain:
Really? That's not cliche at all fountain girl.

Girl by the fountain:
Yeah. Are you too afraid?

Boy by the fountain:
Me? Never, you're on biscuits :D

Girl by the fountain:
Okay. What's with the biscuit?

Boy by the fountain:
I like biscuits, and I like you... Favourite colour?

And we talked, we talked a lot.

Overall, the aftermass of a night with him, was I had finally made a friend. I had finally found my light in the tunnel of darkness that had surrounded me, I had found my place of familiarity.

For now I was okay with that, to have someone, him, there for me. But deep down there was a nagging- how long could I last, how long could he last?

I had felt something when with him but the question was, had he felt it too? And if he did, did he care?

I'm sure I sound like any other insecure teenage girl but I just can't help it. Maybe I am about to get my monthly.

As I entered my hom- house, I trekked to my room in a daydream, and because I'm not the perfect girl everyone else reads about, I ended up slipping, on a sock. Yup. On the plus side it was a clean sock.

Me being the lazy person I am decided that I just couldn't be bothered to get up.

Laying there on my bedroom floor I came to my final decision, I would try, try for him, because of him. He was my reason. He was my Newley found light. The one even number in all of the odds. My chance.

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