End of the night

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Unfortunately for us the end of the night had reached, replacing the darkness with light.

Having danced all night, my feet were hurting but I just couldn't find it in myself to pull away from him. He was just so hypnotic. Everything about him; his stance, scent, structure, stare, sensuality.

Finally convincing myself it was time to let go, I begun to loosen my grip, him noticing and slowly doing the same as I.

Stretching, I took a step back and released a small yawn. Feeling slightly awkward in the moment I flashed him a quick smile. Throwing one back he begun to speak-or he tried to. He opened his mouth only to close it- I'm guessing he had no idea what to say, and to be honest neither did I.
Finally deciding on his choice of words he slightly stuttered with a light blush.

"Uh well... Yeah, so, uhm that was intere- fun, I meant fun-yeah that's what I meant"

Releasing an inner squeal at his cuteness, I spoke.

"Yeah, that was fun I guess, although I never caught your name"

Suddenly gaining confidence ( more like cockiness) he attempts to flirt with me.

"That's 'coz I didn't throw it babe" adding a wink before continuing "but you could always hit me up with yours"

Deciding I didn't like the new him, I pulled on mask of confidence replying with
"I would rather 'hit you up' with my fist than my name"

Realising that I had taken an obvious disliking to this new facade, he apologised and tried again- this time he had a better approach.

"I don't want to ruin this moment with you, let's not add names or labels to ourselves tonig-today. I'll be the guy that danced at the fountain and you can be the girl that danced at the fountain, lets not allow anything to ruin this raw beauty that we have created, this familiarity, the comfort, lets just be us- nothing else, just us. "

Nodding in agreement, I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the bench, and begun to tell him about me- not the out cast, not the depressed teen, not the loner or the neglected girl, but who I was- am as a person. Then after I told him why I was here- at the fountain, what my plan was. And he didn't pity me, or say anything, sympathise or even try to emphasise with me.

He understood.

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