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The sounds of sirens wake me up, I rub my eyes to clear then. I can hear shouting and movements downstairs. I jump out of bed and run downstairs. I see dad crying in the doorway of the kitchen.

Paramedics are bent over someone on the floor. "Mum?" I cry, dragging myself down the stairs and towards dad.

Dad grabs me to stop me going past him and pulls me into him. "What's going on? What's wrong?" I look at everyone and the paramedic turns to me. "It looks like your mum has suffered a blow to the head."

"Someone hit her over the head?" I can't believe this, who would want to hurt my mum. "Just tell me she'll be okay," I beg as my eyes start filling up with tears.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that. We'll know more when we get to the hospital, but know that we're doing everything we can for your mum." I look down and the tears spill from my eyes. Mum has to be okay, she's mum. She's always okay. I look back up as they carry her out on a stretcher. A breathing machine is attached to her face, and she's pale. Deathly pale. My heart breaks, and I want nothing more than to hug her and promise it'll be okay.

"Dad why does she need that?" I ask, shaking.

"The hit to her head put her body into shock and she passed out, she's having trouble breathing on her own." He tells me.

I don't understand, mum is loved by everyone. Everyone expect...


It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now