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Today is the day I finally turn 18 and I couldn't be more excited. That means one more term of school and I'm done, I cannot wait. It feels like only yesterday we broke up for the summer, but it was actually like 2 weeks ago, time really does fly when you're having fun.

"Happy birthday precious" mum comes in with a card and dad is followed behind her with a plate full of pancakes and waffles, my favourite.

"Thank you thank you" I jump up and hug them both. I pick my phone and see I have a few birthday messages already, I scroll through the ones from my friends in London. I smile at the ones from Shan, Niall & Louis. Happy birthday, princess xxx Louis's one reads, it gives me butterflies like never felt before. It says he sent it at bang on midnight, that's just adorable.

Did you wait up just so you could say happy birthday at midnight?xx I reply.

Good morning princess, yes I did because I wanted to be the first. Can't wait to see your gorgeous face today, you're finally an adult ;) xxx

I sigh happily and shake my head into my pillow.

"You coming downstairs sweetie?" Mum smiles, I almost completely forgot they were still in the room.

"Yeah give me 10 mins to get myself ready." I smile. They nod, kiss my forehead then leave the room. I can't put into words how glad I am that my 18th birthday is happening here instead of London.

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now