The Curse

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She tiptoed up into the attic, checking behind her with every step. She wasn't supposed to go into the attic, mother refused it. She said their were dangerous things up there. But she was determined to see what was hiding up there. Carefully, slowly, she opened the attic door with the key she had stolen from her mothers room and stepped inside the attic.

It was small and dank but being in the room sent a thrill of excitment through her. She looked around the room, finding nothing but old papers and books. Her eyes scanned over the things, a frown spreading across her face. There wasn't anything interesting. But then her eyes landed on a leather bound book covered in dust.

She skittered over to it and grabbed it with her small six year old hands. As she held onto the book an electric shock went through her entire body. The air in the attic suddenly became much thicker. She shook it off and opened the book giddily, almost as if she was compelled to find out what was inside.

The book almost seemed to glow as she turned pages. Words in an ancient language that she didn't understand were placed over the pages. But english translations were scribbled in ink at the bottom. One caught her eye.

"Reveal thy power hidden inside, destroy all weakness and sin, I shant say it but once pull thy magic outside, tis time to reveal yourself! Tempus esse posse obscuram habitant!" She hadn't realized she was half yelling until she was done with the words. Cold fear struck inside her, but the fear didn't have time to move to a scream as something seemed to wrench itself from deep in her gut. Pain echoed all around her and a scream got stuck in her throat.

It was like ripping itself from inside, out. She wanted to cry out, to plea for the pain to stop, to even call for her mother but no words could escape her mouth. Her voice was frozen inside her. She writhed on the floor but no one came to help her. After what seemed like hours the wrenching,  and the writhing stopped. She dry heaved, tears leaking out of her eyes. After she was done on the floor, she stood up, book in her hand and stepped out of the attic, locking the door behind her. She was skeptical in taking the book, but something was so interesting about the book, it made her want to take it. She stuffed it inside her room, hiding it under many of her things.

Then she stepped outside into the cool dusk air. She quickly wiped the last of the tears from her eyes and headed towards the pond. She sat down next to it and looked at herself in the pond. Her face was normal, nothing had changed. But then she took a look at her eyes.

She scrambled backwards from the pond, and screamed.

Present day:

I sat straight up from my bed, covered in a cold sweat. I put a hand to my head, replaying the memory over and over. I was all wrapped up in my cotton sheets. I untangled myself from the sheets and stood up, looking around my surroundings. I was where I was when I fell asleep. In my room, in my house, at the edge of town.

I sighed and walked over towards my mirror hanging on the wall. I stared at into my eyes, the colors swirling round and round until I forced the magic back. My eyes returned to their normal color. I gave a big breath of relief and walked over towards my closet, picking through all of my clothes until I found something suitable.

when I was done getting ready I headed over towards Gloria's, not the least bit scared if Klaus was there. I stepped inside the bar and found she wasn't in the front.

"Gloria?" I called out and headed into the back. She wasn't there either. I frowned. Then I heard shuffling around in the secret room and I headed in there. What I saw made me give a squeak of surprise. Gloria had Stefan tied up, and I could tell she was about to get her torture on. He was unconcious and I was a little relieved with that. He should stay that way, Gloria would start the torture when he woke up.

When Gloria saw me she didn't seem surprised.

"Hello Arielle, how are you today?" She asked casually as if everything was okay. I avoided the question.

"What are you doing?" I asked, appalled.

"This doesn't concern you, Arielle." She said again in that casual voice that grated at me.

"You're going to torture him? That's not what witches are supposed to do! We don't torture people!" I shouted. She rolled her eyes.

"Arielle you are from a time when witches still believed they should only use their powers for good or self defense. I am not from your time nor do I live by those restrictions." She said. I was steaming with anger.

"I may not be from this time Gloria, but that doesn't mean I haven't changed how I use my powers. In fact, I never followed those rules Gloria, but torture is wrong." I stated.

"Leave my shop Arielle." She ordered. power built up in my hands, begging to be released. I gave into desire and flung her into the wall with a wave of magic. She stuck there like a fly on a flyswatter. She glared at me icily.

"Put me down." She demanded. My eyes were a storm of color.

"You seem to have forgotten who is the more powerful witch here, Gloria. Or who is the hybrid. I've been a witch much longer then you Gloria and I come from a much stronger line of witches then you. You follow my orders. I taught you what you know. Now you either stop this or I will use force." I said menacingly.

"You can't. Your curse, remember?" She asked with a smirk. I let her drop. She was right. I would be in trouble if I killed her. I turned my back on her.

"Your karma will be your end, Gloria." I said and walked outside the shop. I was so agitated I just wandered the streets, trying to blow off steam. That's when I saw her. A small dry smile made it's way up my lips and I walked over towards her. She had noticed me long before I had noticed her.

"Katherine." I said like I had a bitter taste in my mouth.

"It's been a long time, Arielle. You are still going by Arielle correct?" She asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes Katie, I am. but that's not important. I assume you're looking for Stefan?" I asked. Her expression turned dark.

"where is he?" She asked venomously. I put my hands up in surrendor.

"I haven't hurt him at all. I don't roll like that. But you might want to head over towards Gloria's bar." I said, my voice as icy as the artic tundra.

"Why?" She asked.

"Let's just say Gloria is no longer my favorite student, I don't use torture." I said. Without a goodbye, Katherine was off. I smirked to myself though I was troubled. I had gotten Katherine to practically do my dirty work. I couldn't hurt Gloria because of my curse, and I couldn't have helped Stefan unless I had killed her but that's impossible. But sending Katherine might've been a little harsh. No doubt Gloria would be dead as soon as she got there.

I sighed. She was my best student. Definitely time to find a new witch apprentice. I decided to wait there for Katherine, knowing she would return. She did exactly that looking a little defeated.

"Save your boytoy?" I asked, smirking. She decided not to respond.

"How about a trip to Mystic Falls?" She asked. I thought about it for a moment, the idea sparking my interest.

"Isn't one of Emily Bennett's great something granddaughters there?" I asked. She grinned.

"Yes, looking for a new apprentice?" she asked. I shrugged.

"Gloria was a bust, I want to share the art of witch magic." I said, giving jazz fingers and my fingers danced with electricity.

"Too much power?" she asked. I nodded solemnly.

"It's awful. let's go before the magic is too much to bare." I said. She nodded and we headed to Mystic falls.

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