Monsters don't care

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What is a monster? What is evil? Do those things even exist? Or are they created by humans, to give them reason of those terrible deeds done? What makes a monster? Someone who takes joy from hurting others? Who kills for fun? A monster cannot be defined in a dictionary, because everyone's opinion of a monster is different. Sometimes a monster can be that person who stole the money out of your wallet and left you there stranded.

Or maybe a mass murderer like Jack the ripper. Or maybe a monster is very different inside all of us. There is no way to define a monster, because although monsters are all evil, they start out good. And although monsters enjoy the darkness, they once enjoyed the light. Although a monster is apathetic, they once cared. A monster is me, a monster is you.

No one is an angel, no one is a demon. Those terms do not exist. Because we are all monsters. They hide inside of us, waiting for that perfect moment to strike. A monster is your son, your daughter, your mother, your father, your wife, your husband. Anyone. Tell me this, all monsters started out good. We all started completely pure and full of light, with our inner darkness unknown to us. We all start out like little lights in the dark. So what makes a person a monster? You make a person a monster.

Those tainted by the darkness unkowingly taint those of light, turning them bitter and cold and wicked. Most people learn to adapt to such bitterness. But there are those whose hearts cannot withstand such evil and it slowly turns them evil as well. I am a monster. What kind is another question. What kind are you?


Three bodies lay at my feet, all completely drained of blood. I wiped the blood from my mouth and smirk to myself and twirl around the room with a laugh. It had been so long since I'd had real warm blood. I missed the taste, the warmth spread through me as I took the life of another and used it as my own. I turned on the music and started to dance around the room whilst singing along to the music which happened to be monster by skillet. Not that the words meant anything to me.

I just did an awesome hair flip when the doorbell rang. I give a sound of frustration and throw the door open, glaring at the person at the door in annoyance. "You have three seconds to tell me why I shouldn't kill you right here right now. Hurry up cause I just used two." I say to the serious looking Caroline. She sighs and comes inside the apartment, obviously not understanding I was serious.

"You need to get yourself out of that dark place you've gone to because we've got problems. Alaric." She says and I laugh a little.

"So? Why is this my problem anymore?" I ask and do a little twirl.

"You've turned your humanity off. Great. Well then let me just put it to you this way. Alaric is after Klaus' body and we didn't tell him where it was because we can't let him die or else we all die. Even you." She says. My face turns sour and I grab her by the throat and swing her into the bookshelf like she weighed nothing.

"If Klaus dies Caroline, I Won't die. I am the only exception nature will ever make. Besides why the hell should I care what happens to any of you?" I ask. She groans in pain and sits up, looking at me desperately.

"Please, Ari. I know you're still in there. And if it helps at all, Elena feels awful. Put yourself in her sho-" I cut her off as I kick her into another wall.

"Put myself in her shoes hmm? Let's see her parents died, check! Scared of water and heights, check! In love with a vampire, check! Losing almost everyone she cares about, check oh wait I have lost everyone I care about! She still has you and Jeremy and Bonnie and Stefan and Damon and Matt and Tyler and-oh nevermind." I growl and kick the table into the kitchen where it splinters into pieces.

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