chapter 29

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Premiere night tonight. Conor is currently in his room getting ready. I'm doing my hair and makeup quickly before we go. Even though we're staying in a hotel tonight, everyone's getting ready here. We've got all the boys here currently...

I finished up my hair and makeup but got a bit thirsty. There was no one in the kitchen thankfully, so I got a drink pretty quickly. I was having one of those moments where you just stare into space, when Conor came up to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Hey beautiful. You okay?"
"I guess so... The premiere's getting closer and closer. What if the fans hate me? What if he's there? What if I trip and fall in front of everyone?" All these questions were going through my brain and I had to get it all out!

"The fans won't hate you, I already know that. If he's there, I'll protect you and security will come running anyway. Don't worry about tripping or falling. I'll be right next to you the whole way so you won't be able to." He's such a good boyfriend.

We all drove to the hotel once everyone was ready. Conor was in chinos, a shirt and a bomber jacket. I'm wearing a nice short, long sleeved, lace, burgundy dress. The boys are all looking good too.

We got to the hotel and went to our room. Everyone had 5 minutes of seeing the boys before they had to go. We all left ten minutes after them, me and Conor last. Out of all the people to choose, they made us go last!

It was a scary car ride. I was nervous as heck! We got closer to the red carpet and heard fans chanting 'Jacklyn' as they had obviously just arrived.
"Conor I'm nervous."
"Just stick with me and you'll be fine." He gave me a quick kiss on the lips as we pulled up.

Conor got out the car, ran to my side and helped me out. He grabbed my hand and we started walking. There's fans everywhere. I only just realised they were cheering something when Conor stopped walking...
"CAVA! CAVA! CAVA!" Which then turned into,

"CAVA KISS! CAVA KISS!" We teased them a little by Conor looking like he's going to kiss me, then hugging instead. Then we did a small kiss in front of them all. I felt cameras on me and freaked out a little.

Meeting fans is incredible! Walking down a red carpet at the same time is even more incredible! We also got to take pictures by the car thing. Me and Conor had some really cute photos together. I also had a few on my own.

The photographers got Joe over and made me take some photos with him. I'm proud of my 'dad'. They took some more photos before we had to go off for interviews and things.


We finally got to the cinema and listened to speeches and things. Joe mentioned me in his speech which was cute. They put the film on and everyone watched intently. There was barely a moment that I wasn't laughing! You could tell Alfie was in the room because everyone could hear his loud cackle. It was such a good movie!


The movie ended and we were all ushered outside. There was still security about and lots of YouTubers... I got to finally meet a lot of them. It was getting late though and I was tired, so Conor decided it would be best to head back. The drive was short. We spent most of the time snuggled up together falling asleep.


As we arived back to our hotel room, the tiredness hit me. We fell back onto our bed and stayed silent for a few moments.
"Yeah Conor?"
"So I've spoken to Joe about it and everything so I know it's alright with him. I just wanted to check with you first."

"Okay... What is it?" He was silent for a few moments.
"Ava... Will you come on tour with me?!" I was speechless.
"I-I- Conor! Yes! Yes I will go on tour with you!" I'm going on tour with Conor Maynard! Conor, my incredible boyfriend!

A/n this is the final part! Thankyou all so much for reading this story and giving it so much love!! BIG QUESTION!!!! Would you like the final story of Jack and Lauren next or the sequel to this? Either way you're going to like it! Xxxx

(I've enjoyed reading this story back!)

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