chapter 11

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We got back to Joe's as this is where we seem to be hanging out a lot lately. Also, everyone needs to give Ava her gifts. Mine is a private one that the others won't see me give her.

We got in and everyone sat around on the sofa. Me and Joe went to sort out the keyboard and gave everyone strict instructions not to let Ava near here.

We sorted it out and went back to join them. She just got given the bag from Oli. As she opened it, her mouth went wide.
"You didn't? Thankyou so much!" Oli got her a Macbook. She hugged him and thanked him a lot.

She'd already got her present from everyone but Josh. Mikey of course was a dick and didn't get her anything. She doesn't like Mikey anyway.

"Here you go. Hope you like it." Josh handed her a bag. She opened it again and she looked like an excited 5 year old.
"Thankyou so much! This is incredible! Thankyou so much!" She hugged Josh to thank him too.


Joe told her to get the phone out. She grabbed the bag and pulled the phone out of the box. We all helped her set it up and sort everything out. It was so satisfying watching her pull off the cover screen. Joe hadn't thought about getting her a case though.

"How would you like it? What would you like?"
"Something YouTubery." She responded. Joe seemed to have a good idea in mind. We'll have to wait and see what it is.


Ava looked bored and everyone else was chatting so I decided to give her my present. We walked to her room and I showed her the keyboard.
"It's all set up and ready to play. If you need me to teach you anything, just ask." She thanked me a lot and I left her to it.


I started to play a few tunes I knew. Then I played river flows in you. I learned it all but can't really remember the last few lines.

It was really aggrivating me. I played it through again and stopped at the part I forgot. But it kept going. I wasn't playing it, but Conor was... He finished it all for me.

"I didnt know you could play..."
"Self taught. There was a keyboard at the care home and I had a lot of spare time." I was the only one that played it.
"What about school and homework?"

"I was homeschooled." Lilly didn't want us to go to a normal school because she's had instances in the past where kids have got bullied for it. She didn't want it happening to us.
"What about college or uni? Aren't you going?"
"I don't know yet. I've just finished year 11 though technically so I should really start thinking about it."

Me and Conor sat at the keyboard and played a few more things. I can play things that he can play so we did it together. He played the chords and I played the melody, then we'd swap. I'm really starting to love this guy. I love him already but it keeps going up and up... I'm sure he feels the same.


Spending time with Ava is fun. I'm learning more and more about her each day. But I'm building up the courage to ask her on a date. The boys know I'm going to do it because they've all figured out how much I love her. Let's just hope she says yes...

We stopped playing the keyboard for a moment.
"Yes Conor?"
"I was wandering if maybe you'd umm... Well if you wanted to hang out some time. Maybe we could go to the cinema or something or maybe get some food. What do you say?"

"I'd love to. Lets go to the cinema! I've never been before." I was thinking about why she hadn't been to the cinema then it came to me that she lived in a care home. They probably weren't really allowed.

"Okay well, how does tomorrow sound? Maybe I could pick you up at 6?"
"Tomorrow sounds perfect. And 6 is absolutely fine." I'm taking her on a date.
"Okay well I'm going to join the boys, you coming?" She got up and followed me out the room.



"Do any of you even have my number yet? I have all yours but none of you have mine." I told the boys.
"Text us all..." So I sent each of them a text.

Thanks for the phone! X
No problem! X

Hi pineapple! X
That was uncalled for!

Hey tree! X
Shut up!

Omg are you Conor Maynards brother?! X
I have a name!

Hi brook xx
Hi Ava xx

Hi dickface... That's what you're saved as in my phone!
Change it to my actual name please!
Sorry no can do Mikey, Don't know how yet...

Hey Conor! Or should I say, boyfriend!! Xx
Hey girlfriend xxx
Why'd you save yourself as sexyface in my phone? Xx
~you changed 💕sexyface💕 to Conor💕~
Because that's what I am xxx
If you say so xx

They then added me to the groupchat... That was a big nightmare!

Woooo! I'm going out tomorrow!
With who?
This girl!
Is Cava cannon?
Please tell me Cava is cannon!
Cava is not cannon
What's cava?
Conor and Avas ship name! #Cava4life

This is going to be fun! Not...

A/n hope you're enjoying so far because I know I am... love you all and thanks for reading! Xx

(I wanna be in a groupchat with the boys just to see what random shiz they talk about sometimes.)

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