chapter 21

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Finally the weeks have passed and I'm no longer on my period. All the cuts have healed and I have a couple bruises left. We went to check my arm yesterday and found out it was all good. I'm completely better again.

Me and Conor have been spending so much time together these past couple of weeks. Now I've got to leave him for a few days... And soon, at least a month. But I've gotta break the news to him.

We were sat watching movies. I snuggled into Conor a lot just to make up for the time we'd miss out on. As the movie finished, I decided it's a good time to talk to him.

"Conor baby, can I speak to you for a moment?"
"Go ahead... What's happening?"
"Don't worry it's fine. It's just that I'm going to Brighton with Joe for this weekend, Friday to Monday. Also when they do their hit the road tour, I've gotta go with them. Joe doesn't want to leave me at home where he can't get to me if anything happened. So I'll be gone for like a long time."

"I'm going to miss you so fucking much though. What if you stay with me for the UK tour? I'll come with you for America and Australia."
"It's not as easy as that... I suppose we could try. I'll ask Joe later."
"Okay beautiful... I love you."
"Love you too."



Ava was at Conor's all day but as she got back home, she seemed eager to ask me something.
"What's up? Hurry up and tell me!"
"Okay so I was wandering..." Oh god, here we go.

"When you do your UK tour if maybe I could stay with Conor... I just really dont wanna be traveling too much. Then when you go to America and Australia Conor wants to know if he can come with us... I know it's a pretty big thing but I just wanted your opinion. So...?" I've got to disappoint her now.

"Ava, I'm really sorry but you've got to come with us for the whole tour... We may have a little something planned already. This thing includes you so umm... Yeah I'm sorry."
"Okay, that's fine. Can Conor at least come with us?" He already is but I can't tell her that.

"I'm sorry... Conor can't come. We've booked the flight tickets already and there's literally none left for any flights to any of the places we're going."
"Oh. Okay." I've just upset her.

She went to walk away but I stopped her.
"Ava, would it make up for it if he came with us to Brighton?"
"Yes! Please yes!"
"Okay, you go do whatever and I'll talk to Conor about it."
"Okay, thanks Joe!" She came over and hugged me really tight. I left her to go to her room. Now to call Conor...

"Hey Conor."
"Alright? What did you want?"
"I've just let her down about the tour. She now wants you to come with us on Friday. You up for it?"
"I mean... My family aren't home so I'd be staying with you guys. But sure, I'm up for it." Thank god!
"Yeah that's fine, you can share the bed with Ava anyway... Don't expect anyone else to be able to come."
"Haha I won't..."

"How about I drive us there to save getting the train. Sound good?"
"Yeah okay."
"Okay mate I'll talk to you later."
"Okay, bye."
"Bye!" Ava's going to be very happy.

"Conor's coning with us."
"Wooooooo! Yeeaaahh!" She's happy.
"He's also taking us."
"I call shotgun... Already!" It won't be the first time I've sat in the back.
"Make sure to vlog our weekend!" Ava shouted out to me.
"I will!" I shouted back.

A/n I have nothing to say today except that I did my routines for the next comp and got a higher score than someone doing the same routine as me (it's someone I like). Only by a couple points of course but still. Also, she's got 63 in her category and I've only got 30 so I have a better chance than her anyway. Luckily the bitch isn't coming to this competition so I'm happy. Also, if I could add videos from my phone (instead of youtube) I could show you the routine but sadly I can't do that.

Hope you're all enjoying just as much as I am!! XD xxxx

(I was so proud of myself for that! I did really well in that competition too. If it's the one i think it is of course.)

I Found True Love [COMPLETE] (CM)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz