chapter 10

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At around 2, we all got ready to go shopping. Joe said he's getting Ava a phone so now she can contact us all if she needs to. The boys have all said they're getting her a welcome present and I'm not sure what to get her. Maybe I could get her into music and buy her a keyboard...

We left soon enough and we tried to agree on who's going in what car. Ava, Joe and Caspar are with me. Jack, Brook and Josh are in the other car. Mikey might be joining us later on and Oli is meeting us there.


I parked in the space and we all climbed out my car. Ava looks a little worried so I went up to her to ask what was wrong. The boys seemed to be too interested in where the others were.

"Hey Ava. You okay?" She just nodded.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm fine." I know the meaning of that.
"Fucked up, insecure, neurotic and emotional. You're not okay." I pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'll let you in on a little secret. Everyone's getting you a little present to welcome you. Joe's present is the main one but I'm thinking about what to get you. Maybe I could introduce you to the music world and get you a keyboard... Would you like that?"
"Yes please!" She's happy again.
"Only if you tell me what's wrong though."

"Well okay... So what if some fans see us today. What are we going to say about me? There's no way of getting out of this now. No way on earth! People are going to find out and they're going to hate me and then hate on Joe and-" 8 kissed her. She was rambling and worrying so I kissed her. The boys didn't notice it.

"What was that for?"
"You're worrying too much. Don't worry. Cover story, you're friends with Brooklyn. She invited you to join us. Either that or you're a cousin of someones."
"I'll stick to being Brook's friend thanks." Now there's no more worrying. She's hugging me again and thanking me. It's always me that cheers her up.


We finally got to go into town. The gang of course took forever trying to figure out where to go. Everyone decided on letting the girls choose first so we went to Superdrug.

"Choose any 5 Zoella items and any 5 tb items... Also choose some real techniques brushes too." Brook told Ava. She picked up what she wanted.
"Now let's find you some proper decent makeup too." She took Ava to the rest of the makeup. Together they picked out a load of things.

"This is our present to you sweetie. Hope you like it!"
"I love it thanks... You have to teach me how to use it though." Brook laughed at her.
"Well we need a special ocasion to come up so I can do that." Brook looked at me as if to say, take her out. I'm going to do exactly that.



Brook and Jack have spoiled me. Now Caspar's trying to do it too.
"Were going to Topshop and I'm getting you a whole new outfit. Like a daytime casual outfit." This is so nice to get spoiled. It's never happened before.

While we were in Topshop, Conor, Jack and Brook snuck off somewhere to do something. I found a cute little outfit. A black croptop, some black jeans and some black converse. Caspar even bought me a bandanna to go with it.


We got outside Topshop to wait for the Maynard's and Brook but some fans came. I didn't know what to do. My head was going crazy with thoughts. The fans are going to question who I am and it's going to happen now and they're all going to hate me!

My breathing went heavy and my hands began to shake. I felt myself slowly backing away and freaking out even more. Josh noticed me once all the fans had gone and rushed over.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? What's happened?" Joe butted in and Josh moved out the way.
"Ava, take deep breaths okay. Just think of happy thoughts. Think of your best friend maybe. Nice thoughts in your mind can help sometimes." This time is not one of them. It isn't working.

I heard footsteps getting closer and my breathing quickened again. I thought it was fans but it was only Conor, Jack and Brook. Conor pushed his way past the boys and got straight in front of me.

"What's happened? Did you guys bump into some fans?"
"Yeah. We were talking to them and then they left and Ava started freaking out." Caspar told him.
"Having a panic attack Caspar. There's a difference." Joe corrected him.

"Ava, please don't worry about them. Like I've told you, if they don't like you then they clearly aren't loyal fans. Don't panic that they already know because they don't. You're going to be okay." Conor started breathing with me and my breaths slowed down.

The panic was going. Conor had stopped it, once again. He helped me up off the ground and pulled me into a hug.
"I'll never leave you like that again. I promise." He whispered to me. We then managed to continue with the shopping.


The boys decided on the Apple store next.
"Ava, if you could have any phone what would it be?"
"A Samsung... I don't want a shitty Iphone. I know you all use them but I personally won't use one. Even if it was the only phone on earth. Although I'd quite happily use a macbook. My brain isn't normal." Oli breathed a sigh of relief and Joe looked a little annoyed.

Oli went and bought a Macbook in the store then we went to some camera shop. Joe, Caspar and Josh all bought a couple go pros.
"I'd love to have a camera. Joe, for my birthday, can you get me a camera? It's just because I love photography. I'm a great photographer!"
"Yeah sure." He agreed to it. Josh then went and had to rub it in by buying a nice big camera. One that's perfect for photography.


Joe led us to the Vodaphone shop. He then signed a contract with a Samsung for me. I get unlimited texts, 500 minutes and so much data!
"You are the best person ever right now! I love you!"
"Love you too." I hugged him as he handed me the bag with my phone in.

Finally, we went to get food. They took me to Five Guys so I could experience the food. It was good food! Most of it didn't last long so we soon left.

(I've never been to 5 guys in my life. Is it good? I really wanna go! Agaim roastimg myself for no a/n)

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