chapter 23

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I couldn't say no. But why would she want me to come with her? I'm no good at moral support. Zoe would have been the better person to ask.
"Of course beautiful... Do you know where they are?"

"I know the exact graveyard they're in. I also know it's right by the gate. Lilly constantly reminded me of my parents. Natalie and Bradley, or Nat and Brad as everyone called them."

"Are you 100% sure you wanna do this?"
"I am... Can we go after food. I don't feel like being there when others are."
"Of course we can beautiful." She wants to go sooner rather than later.


Our food arrived and we sat in the cosy room to eat it. Zoe put a film on and we all sat on the sofa to watch it. Once me and Ava had finished our food, we walked off up stairs.

It's a little bit chilly out now so we put hoodies on. Ava put on one of mine, which was way too big for her, but she looked so cute! We got our shoes on and walked downstairs.

"We're going out somewhere..." Ava said quietly.
"Where are you going?" Zoe asked.
"We're ummm- I- well..."
"We're going to visit her mum and dad." I said for Ava.

"Oh okay... Do you want any of us to come with you?"
"No thanks... I'm fine with just Conor."
"Okay... See you later." They all said bye and we walked out the door. Ava climbed into the car and went silent.

"Can we buy some flowers for them? I really wanna get them some flowers." It's the first time she's talked since we left the house.
"Of course baby. We'll stop off at Tesco on the way." I continued driving till we got to Tesco.

Both of us jumped out and went inside. Ava looked through all the flowers and chose 2 lots. We got to the tills and I offered to pay. Ava wouldn't let me. She said they had to come directly from her. So I didn't say any more. We got them and went back to the car.


I pulled up outside the graveyard Ava had directed me to. Luckily it's still very very light outside. We jumpd out the car and I held onto Ava's hand very tight. She guided me into the graveyard and showed me where her parents were. How she can remember from when she was 6 is crazy! That was 10 years ago.

Ava knealt down by her mum first. She placed the purple flowers down for her on top of some very old ones. The old ones weren't even there, just the old wrapping stuff and an angel statue.

"Mummy, I still love you. I will never stop loving you. Thankyou for always being there for me. I'm so sorry I never ate all my broccoli... I promise to eat it all from now on. I love you." A few tears dropped from her eyes.

She moved over to her dad. The flowers he got were some nice blue ones. There was an empty flower wrapper and angel on his too.
"Daddy, just like I said to mummy, I will never stop loving you. Don't worry, I'll find a way to get into football one day. Not just yet but maybe. Just for you dad. I love you so much." There were so many tears dripping down her face.

She pulled a flower out from her mum and dad's flowers. Ava grabbed my hand and guided me to behind her parents. There was a girls name, Alana, with her parents last name.

She placed the flower down and started talking.
"I never really got to meet you little one. But I still have the teddy that was meant to be yours. It means a lot to me. Wish you were still here. I'm sure your sister misses you." Sister?

"She probably knows nothing about you, or me, or our dickhead of a brother. I'll find her one day though, don't you worry. She can't be too far away. I love you Alana. Never forget that! See you soon little sister." She had sisters? Now I'm confused.

Ava finished up and came over to me. I engulfed her in a massive hug and she cried into my arms.
"Come on princess, let's get you back okay. Then we can cuddle in bed with a movie if you wanted?"
"Yes please." We walked back to the car and got in. I drove us home as fast as I could. Ava cried a lot in the way back.

A/n we had non school uniform today and everyone was wearing blue. It was to support the cause of someone who died not long ago this year who was in my year at school. It was a very emotional day. I just want to say to you all to be safe when riding a bike on the road. Just stay safe by roads in general! Love you all lots xxxx

(This is where the "love you lots!! Stay safe!!" Thing came from.)

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