chapter 26

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"Who are my tutors then Joe?"
"Well there's Caspar... He can help you learn about pizza... Just kidding! The producers and cameramen are going to tutor you. They know a lot." Tought by the cameramen... That's interesting.

"Well do they know what I'll be studying? I had a specific thing that I was studying!"
"What were you going to study?"
"Music... Does any of them know how to teach that?" Joe looked panicked.
"Well okay I've got maths and English sorted for you. Science you don't need. You'll only need it if you wanna be a scientist." Well this is great!

"So who are you going to get to teach me music then?"
"Give me time to think of that." I'll give him time. He's got until tomorrow.

Joe came rushing over to me with an idea.
"I know who we can get! We'll bring Conor with us!"
"I'm busy while you're on tour. Meetings and preparing for my tour, remember?" It's a shame really.
"Oh yeah... Well then we can get Jack to come. He must know a little bit about music." Jack knows things but not enough to teach me.

"Brook knows more than Jack... Surely you should ask Brook instead?"
Actually, Jack knows more than Brook." Conor pointed out. That's surprising.
"Maybe not then..."

The sun was starting to set and we were all getting very hungry. The 5 of us (6 if you include Nala) went inside and Zoe started cooking sausages and mash. We stuck Harry Potter on and started to watch it.

The food was finished and I helped Zoe dish it up. We served it to the boys before sitting down and enjoying our own. Harry Potter stayed on the tv and we managed to get to the end of the first one by the time we all ate our food.

I managed to fall asleep on Conor. This seems to be a regualar occurrence. I just remember falling asleep on the sofa and waking up in a bed. Conor was snuggled into me, just the way i like it.

A/n just a few chapters left. .. the story finishes on jacks birthday! It's Conors today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONOR)... hope your all enjoying!! Xx

(It's nearly the end of the book :( that makes me genuinely sad!)

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