chapter 1

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"Ava, please make sure you are ready around 2 tomorrow. There's someone coming to look for girls around your age. He's a very nice man and I think you'll like him a lot." Another person that's coming and won't adopt me. I'll have to leave before I can even be adopted! I'm literally going to have no parents whatsoever!

I'm Ava. Otherwise known as the girl that was kicked to the curb when both my mum and dad died. No one wanted me, not even my own brother. I was 6 at the time. He was 18. I've been in this place 10 years now. Watching people come and go feels the same. I know I'll never get adopted...



This feels so nerve wracking. Knowing that I'm adopting someone is scary. That's if I find the right person. The perfect girl for me would be an older one... Why you ask, well why not? It would be easier to get on with her then. She could also hang out with me and the boys a lot. Also I can leave the house without having to worry about finding a babysitter.

I phoned up Conor to see if he was doing anything tomorrow.
"Hey Con, you busy tomorrow?"
"Na, me and Jack are free all day." Jack could come too. Then I have double the moral support.

"Would you be able to come with me tomorrow?"
"Come where?" I haven't told them yet. I meant to do it the other night and completely forgot.
"To umm- Well I- I'm adopting..."
"No way man! I'm coming with you!"
"I'm coming too!" Jack shouted in the background. I have double the moral support. This should be okay.


A V A 

What's the likely chance of me getting adopted? My best friend would probably get adopted. She's amazing and so funny. We're so much like each other. She's just really confident and I noticed that people go more for the confident ones. I'm not confident at all.

I don't think anyone would go for a girl with anxiety. I have frequent panic attacks and they might not understand that. It takes a lot to calm me down. Lilly, the careworker, sits me down and gets me some water. She says nice things to me and it makes me feel better.

I feel so nervous for tomorrow. This man could be anyone. But according to Lilly. I'll like him. It takes a lot for me to like someone. I don't think they'd be able to put up with me being on YouTube constantly. Well, that's the only social media I have. I'm not allowed any others. If I get adopted, I hope to get more social media. It would be amazing to leave this place...

A/n first chapter of the series... I thought I'd be nice and give you the first one early. Hope you liked this chapter and I really hope you decide to continue reading it! Thanks so much! Love you all! Xxxx

(I really like this fanfic despite all the hate I got from it!)

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