chapter 2

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I can't believe it's today. I feel so nervous now. What if I don't like any of them? I'll have to dissapoint them. It wouldn't be good to dissapoint them. Lets just hope I find the right girl.

Jack and Conor came over at around 12. We had to sit and chat for an hour so we could leave at 1. I was getting more and more nervous.

"Joe, you're shaking." Conor told me.
"I'm nervous alright. Have you never been nervous before?"
"We've got to go soon." Jack reminded me.
"Shit! What if I don't find someone? What if no one likes me? What if I can't adopt the one I want to adopt? What will happen then?"

"Calm down Joe. Everything will be fine. You'll find someone I'm sure. Would you adopt a fan though? If there was a fan there, would you be willing to adopt them?" Conor felt really reasuring.

"I mean, I probably could. They would already know me so they could already trust me. Also they'd know you guys and I wouldn't have to introduce you all to them. Also she would know about our job and wouldn't find it weird." I feel so much better!



2 o' clock came round and I felt very nervous. Lilly reassured me that it would all be okay. But would it? I get 5 minutes to see him and then he goes to make his final decision. I'm the last one he gets to meet. I'm always the last. That's another reason I never get picked. Autumn, my best friend, is first so she comes to tell me, if she can sneak out that is. We've been ordered by Lilly to all stay in our rooms today so that's not happening.

I heard a loud knock on the front door. It was opened and then there was three new voices coming in. They were all males. I'm sure Lilly said it was only 1. Maybe I misheard. Either that or he's brought some friends with him. He could be just as nervous as me.

To pass time I started to watch some videos. Watching Joe calms me. He makes me laugh. I also decided to listen to my favourite person in the whole wide world, Conor Maynard! Of course I had headphones in so no one else could hear it.


I turned my music off and started to read some of Joe's book. There was a knock on the door. The knock I was dreading.
"Ava, we're coming in." Good luck to me...


"Ava, we're coming in." This is the last one. All the others seem quite nice but I'm not entirely sure who I'd go for. Maybe this could be the one. But knowing my luck, I won't find anyone.

Lilly opened the door for us and we stepped in. This girl, Ava, was reading a book. My book. She's a fan! The first girl we saw, Autumn, seems to know a little bit about YouTube but wouldn't recognise us if she saw us. That's why she didn't recognise any of us.

"Ava, please can you stop reading now."
"Sorry, I was just finishing the page." She looked up at us.
"I'd like you to meet-"
"Joe Sugg! No way! No way! Omg you- your- you" she was pointing to Conor.
"Spit it out... He's just my brother."
"Conor freaking Maynard! No way! This is incredible! Omg! I can't believe this!" She started freaking out a little.

"Ava, please calm down. Take some deep breaths. Would you like some water?"
"Yes please." She's freaking out a lot!
"Are you okay?" I managed to ask her.
"Sorry Joe, she's got anxiety. I think she's having a bit of a panic attack... It's from all this going on." Lilly left the room to get some water for Ava. I hope she's okay. I know how to deal with these since Zoe gets them a lot.

"Ava, take deep breaths okay. You need to keep breathing. Relax your mind. Close your eyes and breathe. It helps a lot." She did as I said and calmed down a bit. Lilly got back with the water and Ava was fine.

"Okay, I'm going to leave you to it for now. Have fun." Lilly left the room.
"So Ava, can I know a little bit about you? You know about us, we want to hear about you."
"Well okay, my parents died when I was 6 and none of my family would take me in." That's so sad.

"So I ended up being taken here. I've been here 10 years as I'm 16. I don't know my last name as it wasn't on my records and I also have a weird middle name." I know what your last name is. Or what it's going to be anyway.

"What sort of things do you like?"
"YouTube mainly... Reading is okay I guess. The number 1 thing that I like is... Actually it doesn't matter." She's gone all shy.
"You can tell us. We won't judge you."

"Okay... My most favourite thing in the world, it's a person, not a thing... It's Conor." She looks a little embarassed.
"That's fine. You've got to love a bit of Conor Maynard sometimes!"

I think this could be it. I think she's the one. I know I want to adopt her.
She's definitely the one...

A/n second chapter for you all, and I feel like it's quite a good one. The story just gets better and better though... keep reading to find out more! Xxxx

(In case you don't know or haven't read my other stories these are the edit a/n's.)

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