chapter 9

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We made sure the camera was set up and the microphone was turned on. It's only me, Caspar, Conor and Ava filming this video. The others are just here to help out.

"Hello everyone, so today I am joined by the one and only... It's Conor Maynard!" He did his silly little angel intro thing.
"And Caspar..."
"Hi my name is Caspar Lee."

"But today, we have a special guest. You'll be seeing them in a lot more videos now as she's here to stay. There's no getting rid of her! Literally. And no, before you all say anything, I haven't got a girlfriend. Conor on the other hand, well..." She just laughed at me. They both look very embarassed.

"Anyway, let me introduce Ava!" She came and sat inbetween me and Conor.
"This is now a family member of mine... She's my adopted daughter. Please do not be mean to her or give her hate. I really wouldn't like it if you did.... Anyway, Ava!"
"Hello..." I looked over to her and noticed Conor staring at her. He wasn't taking his eyes off her as she spoke.

"So today, we're doing a Q&A for you guys."
"Could you not think of anything else to do? Getting Conor to sing would be a great video. Or even pranking Caspar! But no, he goes for the boring old Q&A." Ava laughed at me. She's right, I could've done both but chose not to.


"Question 1: what's it like being friends with all the lads?"
"Well I personally like it. People come up to us so we look really popular and it's only because they're YouTubers and have loads of fans." Conor's right on that one. He doesn't get noticed as much surprisingly.

"It just means I get to hang out with my best friends a lot." Caspar told us and I agreed with him. Now for Avas answer.
"Well so far it's nice. They're all amazing, but one. I like hanging out with them." Good answer...


"Question 2: are you single? Which of you isn't?"
"Single!" Caspar shouted.
"Single... Conor and Ava won't be for long though. I can tell."
"I'm probably going to be single for a while thanks Joe." Ava doesn't seem to mind when we joke about her and Conor. Conor on the other hand... He gets so embarassed.


Were finally on the question I like.
"Last question, for everyone in the room. Out of everyone here, who do you want to see kiss? As in proper kiss. Whoever gets the most votes, has to do it. They've got to prove it too." Everyone said Ava and Conor. They said Jack and Brook because they're the couple in the room.

"Come on guys... We know you want to." Ava leaned forward and kissed Conor on the cheek.
"That wasn't right. It wasn't properly."
"This is not how I imagined my first kiss to be!" Ava shouted at us.
"Make it a special one Conor. It's her first. It'll also be all over the internet!" Jack warned him.

"How are we doing this then Conor? What are you thinking?" Ava asked.
"It's got to be a proper kiss so I say you use tongue and all!" Jack's telling his own brother how to kiss. He then showed us all with Brook.


We both leaned in. I feel so awkward. She was right there and in the last minute she backed away.
"I can't do it like this. It just doesn't seem right. I feel really weird!" She stood up.

"You've gotta do it. The fans will go mental if you don't." Caspar warned us.
"Stand up... I feel better standing." That meant Joe had to reposition the camera.

Ava went on her toes and we both leaned in.
"Wait, do we have to do it in front of everyone? Can we not go into a seperate room and film this. You guys are all staring and I feel so awkward!" I can tell it's her first time.
"We'll all look away, happy?" The boys and Brook looked away like they said. Finally we can kiss.

She smiled at me as we both leaned in. Our faces got closer together and soon our lips collided. I grabbed onto her waist and felt her arms go around my neck. She was pulling me closer and sticking her tongue out as if asking for more. I guided her tongue in and we properly went for it. She kept getting closer and closer to me as I pulled her a lot. Our bodies collided and she couldn't be any closer.

We both finally pulled away and looked at each other.
"That was fucking incredible! You two were genuinely going properly at it! I wasn't expecting that!" Josh practically screamed at us.
"Can we do it again?" Ava looked at me. She wants to do that again. This isn't helping my crush for her right now.

"Yeah, you two can go somewhere else though. And we're ending the video first!" Joe shouted at us. We all sat down again to end the video.
"If you enjoyed that then please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe if you wanna see more! Also subscribe to Caspar and Conor! You never know, there might be a Cava cover one day." That's a good idea, thanks Suggy! (A/n; clue to something further on...)
"Anyway, thanks for watching! Bye!" We all said bye and managed to end the video.


"So brother, first you fall asleep together, then you're found sleeping snuggled together in bed and now you two kissed and wanna do it again
Is there something you aren't telling us?" The boys laughed at Jack's comment.
"I wish there was... But no. Not yet anyway..." I winked at Ava who just giggled. I'm now sure she likes me too.

(Okay so this was one of the chapters i enjoyed writing... also I'm roasting myself rn for not doing an a/n.)

I Found True Love [COMPLETE] (CM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon