chapter 3

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We finished up talking and as instructed, went back to Lilly's office. I had a nice long think about who it would be on the way down... Well actually it was a vert short think. I know exactly who I'm adopting.

"Chosen then?" Lilly asked.
"I have..."
"Who's the lucky person then?"
"Ava... It's got to be her. I know she's the one." Lilly seemed almost shocked with my answer.
"Well that's good then. I just need you to fill out some forms and we can then get her permission."

I was given some forms and had to fill in important details. There was also a couple documents on details of Ava. I know everything about her that I need to know. The one main thing is her panic attacks and really bad anxiety. I finished filling the forms and we all went up to her room.


Autumn came to talk to me. She said about the guys that had come in. We kind of had a mini freak when I told her it was my favourite YouTuber. She was happy for me. We weren't allowed to talk for long as she needed to go back to her room in case she was getting adopted. Neither of us think we are but we don't mind.

Autumn had left but there was a knock on my door.
"Come in..." Lilly walked in, again with Joe, Conor and Jack.
"Hello there... How come you're back?" Lilly smiled at me. They all did.
"Well we wanted to sit and talk with you for a moment." They all came in and shut the door. The four of them came and stood/sat around my bed.

"What do you want to talk about then?"
"You'd like to get out of here wouldn't you? After all, it's been ten years." It would be nice.
"Yeah. I'd like that someday."
"Why not today?" How could I get out today? Unless...

"Wait... Today? Why today?" Joe's laughing a little bit.
"I'm stealing you."
"You're being adopted..." I'm getting out. I'm leaving this hell hole! I can be free!
"This is incredible! Omg! Thankyou so much!" I ran to Joe and hugged him a lot!
"This is the best day ever! I'm so happy!"

There were a few knocks on my door. I think it was the others coming to see what was going on. I'm sure Autumn was one of them.
"You can answer the door if you want..." I got up and opened it. 2 of my friends stood there. Autumn and Jayden.

"Girl, what's all the noise for?" I looked at her and she could tell something was up.
"What's going on?!" J asked.
"I'm sorry J... I'm leaving." J is like a brother to me. He has been there so much and helped me through a lot. I'm the only girl he's actually close to.

"I'm going to miss you so fucking much!" Autumn shouted to me.
"Language thankyou." Lilly shouted from in my room.
"Sorry Lilly... I can't believe you're going. We need to keep in touch." I let them into my room so we don't get people complaining of us being loud.

I sat back on my bed and J sat next to me. He put his arm around me and I hugged him. This is the only boy I will miss.
"Don't you worry guys, you'll still get to see Ava. I'll make sure of it." Joe's going to be amazing.


I'm still yet to sign the document to say I agree to go with Joe. I've also got to pack my limited amount of things. We get a money limit each week and that's what we use to get clothes. Either that or you save for something big.

People left the room and it was just me, A and J left. They helped me pack my things into my suitcase. I made sure to put in my special blanket that I got when I was a baby. That's the only thing I've got left of my parents.

"We'll miss you Ava. I will especially." J told me. Sometimes I feel like he's a brother and other times I like him a lot more. It's weird I guess. Autumn ran up to me and squeezed me tight. We hugged for a while.

"Bye girl. Until we meet again!" We hugged one last time before she left my room.
"Just you and me now." I've got the feeling again.

"I know this is going to sound weird and all and I know I'm about to leave but-"
"Can I kiss you?" He finished off for me. It's like he read my mind.
"That's what I was about to say. And yes... You can."

I had to stand on my toes because he's so tall. Our faces got closer together and our lips attatched. I've been wanting to do that for a while now... I'm glad it happened. We pulled apart and looked at each other.
"I'll let you go now. Love you sista!"
"Love you too J." We hugged before leaving my room.

I got downstairs and Joe was waiting for me. I went into Lilly's office and signed the paper. I'm now officially allowed to go with Joe!

(See i felt like there was a younger girl involved in this chapter called Lola but now that I'm thinking about it, her part got edited out.)

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