Long-Awaited Answers

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"So Segira has the DNA of every Saiyan?! Even the bad ones?!" Goku asked Bulma in shock as they stood under a tall tree in the middle of the large, forest-like room.

Bulma looked at him. "Pretty much, but I don't know how many Saiyans those scientist got samples from. All I know is that she has the same DNA as every Saiyan that's ever been to earth, and that all the DNA she's made up of is only pure-blooded Saiyan DNA." Bulma explained to Goku.

"So then, she doesn't have the same DNA as Gohan, Goten, or Trunks?"

Bulma shook her head. "No. As far as we know, she only has yours, Vegeta's, Raditz's, Nappa's, and Broly's. I don't know if her DNA matches Tarble's, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't because she was most likely created before Tarble came to earth."

"What about Turles?"

Bulma sighed slowly and shrugged. "I don't know, I don't have any samples of his DNA either so I can't run any tests to find out. But if I had to guess, I'd say that she has the same DNA as him as well."

"But if she's made up of all our DNA, then why is she a female? And why doesn't she have the same mindset as any of us?" Goku asked as he scratched the side of his head in puzzlement, looking down at the green grass with a lifted eyebrow. "I think all this science stuff is giving me a headache..." He thought to himself.

Bulma looked down with a hand on her chin. "Well for your first question, it could've just happened by chance, she could've turned out to be either a male or female when she was created." Bulma looked at Goku again. "As for your second question, I think that even though she's made up of several cells from different Saiyans that have different mindset, she's still her own person. She might only take on the mindset of a Saiyan's DNA that she's made up of at a certain time, like whichever Saiyan's mindset would better fit with the situation she's in. However, she still has her own mindset."

Goku looked up with a lifted eyebrow and placed a hand on his chin. "Then I'd hate to see her with Broly's, or any other Saiyan with a really bad attitude, mindset."

Bulma blinked and shook her head again. "Hopefully she won't be a situation that will bring a mindset like that out."

Goku let his hand drop to his side and sighed slowly before looking at Bulma again. "We should probably tell the others huh?"

Bulma looked back at him and nodded. "I think that would be a good idea, and we definitely need to tell Segira so she'll understand what she's capable of better."

Goku nodded. "Okay, then you can tell her about it. After all, you're the one who found out about it."

Bulma looked at him with a lifted eyebrow. "Excuse me? Sorry Goku, but I don't think so."

Goku looked at her with a lifted eyebrow again. "Why not?"

She placed her hands on her hips. "Because Goku, since Segira hates scientists and is scared to death of them, who knows what she'll do if I tell her I ran some tests on her. We're lucky that she didn't catch it when I said I ran some blood tests on her to see if she was a Saiyan." Bulma said as she started to walk out of the large room. "Besides, I can tell that she likes you a lot more than me." Bulma said over her shoulder.

Goku stared at her for a moment before hurrying after her. "But you're better at explaining stuff like this than I am Bulma, can't you just tell her without saying that you ran some tests?"

Bulma stopped walking and looked at him with a lifted eyebrow. "And just how would I do that?"

Goku shrugged. "I don't know, just make something up. You're the scientist, not me remember?"

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