New Experiences

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Goku sighed heavily and sank down where he was sitting on the couch, obviously bored. "I'm soooo hungry..." He groaned. He hadn't eaten anything since before they found Segira, so he was really hungry. But of course, Goku being Goku, he had no idea how to cook or anything, and neither did Gohan, Goten, or Trunks, so they had to wait for Bulma to finish cutting Segira's hair. Goku looked at the archway leading into the hallway where Bulma had taken Segira. "Hey Bulma, are you almost done in there? We're starving here!" He said.

Bulma's head poked out from one of the doorways a few doors down the hall. "Hold your horses Goku! I'm almost done!" She replied in irritation before pulling her head back into the room while muttering to herself.

Gohan looked at Goku. "You must be really hungry dad, that's probably like the tenth time you've said that." Gohan said.

Goku looked at him with a lifted eyebrow. "Well yeah, you'd be too if you went this long without food." Goku replied. Gohan lifted an eyebrow at Goku, smiling a little. Gohan was actually pretty hungry too, but hopefully he could wait a little longer for Bulma to finish.

After a few more minutes of waiting, Bulma poked her head out the doorway and looked at Goku and the others. "Okay guys, ready to see Segira's new look?" She asked them. Goku, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks all looked at her.

"If it means eating afterwards, then yes!" Goten said eagerly, but he was eager more for the food than for Segira.

"Yeah!" Trunks agreed with Goten eagerly.

Goku stood up. "Let's see it." He said as if he wasn't hungry anymore.

Gohan stood up as well, but he didn't say anything. If he did, then it would probably be about eating or something, he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Bulma's head disappeared back into the room for a few seconds before she walked back out into the living room with Segira slowly following her. Segira was pretty much hiding behind Bulma, probably a little scared of this new change and what the others would think of it.

Bulma and Segira stopped a few feet in front of the archway leading into the hallway and looked back at Segira with a soft, reassuring smile. "Well Segira? Want to show them your new look?" She asked Segira.

Segira looked up at Bulma for a moment before swallowing hard and stepping out from behind Bulma so Goku and the others could see her. Instead of being long and straight, reaching down to her upper back, like her hair used to be, it was layered, a little wild, and reached down to just below her ears. Her hair was a little longer in the front on the sides of her face and got slightly shorter and more uneven as it got to the back of her head. Her bangs were a little shorter as well and the tips of her hair looked a little rough. Even though some parts of her hair, especially the sides, were a little uneven, it looked really good. In fact, the unevenness made it look better, which is probably why Bulma did it like that. But her hair wasn't the only thing that was different about her. A small, black piece of fabric was tied around her neck, it wasn't tight enough to choke her, but it wasn't loose enough to come undone or bounce around every time she walked.

Goku nodded slowly as he looked at Segira's hair with a hand on his chin before giving Segira a thumbs up. "I like it." He said.

Gohan nodded. "Yeah, it's really nice." He agreed.

"Can we eat now?" Goten asked.

Bulma smiled and laughed softly. "I'm glad you guys like it." She said. She looked down at Goten and Trunks. "And yes, we can eat now."

"Alright!" "Yay!" Goten and Trunks said at the same time.

Bulma smiled again and walked into the kitchen, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks following close behind. Goku was also following Bulma, but he stopped when he noticed that Segira wasn't following them. He looked back at Segira as she stood in front of a window, looking at her reflection in the window and holding a lock of her newly cut hair in her hand. She was probably not used to having short hair.

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