Liar, liar

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Meg: Okey, so I can tell you have everything under control. The GPS is in the truck incase you need it.

Me: Got it.

Meg: Perfect! You can get the first orders from Spencer in the back.

Me: Alright.

Meg: Good luck, Lex.

Me:*laughs* thanks.

I skipped over to the back. I was really happy today.

Spencer: Here ya go. *hands her the orders*

Me: *takes the orders* Thank you.

Spencer: Good luck.

Me: Thanks.

I rushed over to the truck, put orders in the passengers' seat, and hopped into the drivers' seat. Spencer gave me a driving lesson the day before, so I already got the hang of it. I put my seatbelt on, and started the engine. I backed out of the parking lot, when I realized it was seriously quiet. I pushed the radio button, and almost coincidently, "Number One Girl" blasted out.

I bopped my head from side to side with the beat. Once I made the last turn and I reached the house, I lowered the volume and pulled up.

I held the orders on one hand, and with the other, I ran up to the door and knocked. A middle-aged woman opened the door and I said my lines.

Me: Taco Casa delivery.

Woman: Oh thank you, darling. How much will it be?

Her voice was so sweet, like she couldn't get mad no matter what.

Me: $12.34

Woman: Oh okey, one minute.

She rushed inside to go get her purse, and came back to the door with a little boy at her leg.

Woman: Here you go sweetie, thank you. *gives her the money*

Me: Thanks. *takes money*

I noticed she paid me 5 bucks over.

Me: Uhmm, this is $17.

Woman: Consider it a tip. *winks*

Little boy: Mommy! I'm hungry!

Woman: *to the kid* Okey, sweetie.

Me: Thank you for the tip.

Woman: No problem.

I turned on my left heel and walked over to the truck. I had twelve more orders, and I would be at the concert.

~~Twelve Orders Later~~

I drove back to Aco sa after everything ran smoothly. I made sure I drove back fast enough to have time to change before the concert.

When I got there, Spencer was wiping tables.

Spencer: How was it?

Me: Perfect. I even got a couple tips.

Spencer: Nice.

Me: I know right. Now I get to go to my concert!

Spencer: Oooh! I don't think so yet

Me: What?

Spencer: Just a FEW more orders... *points to the back*

I swear, there were like ten more orders left, so I ran to the back and quickly rushed to get them in the truck.

I drove all around trying to get them to the right place, at the fifth order, I checked the time and realized I had a lot of time left, so I started to calm down, until..

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